;;;; ;;;; STk adaptation of the Tk widget demo. ;;;; ;;;; This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing ;;;; several checkbuttons. ;;;; (require "Button") (define (demo-check) (let ((w (make-demo-toplevel "check" "Checkbutton Demonstration" "Three checkbuttons are displayed below. If you click on a button, it will toggle the button's selection state and set a Tcl variable to a value indicating the state of the checkbutton. Click the \"See Variables\" button to see the current values of the variables." 'wipers 'brakes 'sober))) ;; Create checkbuttons (pack (make :parent w :text "Wipers OK" :variable 'wipers :relief "flat") (make :parent w :text "Brakes OK" :variable 'brakes :relief "flat") (make :parent w :text "Driver Sober" :variable 'sober :relief "flat") :side "top" :pady 2 :anchor "w")))