import java.lang.reflect.*; public class main { static { try { System.loadLibrary("example"); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { System.err.println("Native code library failed to load. See the chapter on Dynamic Linking Problems in the SWIG Java documentation for help.\n" + e); System.exit(1); } } public static void main(String argv[]) { System.out.println("ICONST = " + example.ICONST + " (should be 42)"); System.out.println("FCONST = " + example.FCONST + " (should be 2.1828)"); System.out.println("CCONST = " + example.CCONST + " (should be 'x')"); System.out.println("CCONST2 = " + example.CCONST2 + " (this should be on a new line)"); System.out.println("SCONST = " + example.SCONST + " (should be 'Hello World')"); System.out.println("SCONST2 = " + example.SCONST2 + " (should be '\"Hello World\"')"); System.out.println("EXPR = " + example.EXPR + " (should be 48.5484)"); System.out.println("iconst = " + example.iconst + " (should be 37)"); System.out.println("fconst = " + example.fconst + " (should be 3.14)"); // Use reflection to check if these variables are defined: try { System.out.println("EXTERN = " + example.class.getField("EXTERN") + " (Arg! This shouldn't print anything)"); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { System.out.println("EXTERN isn't defined (good)"); } try { System.out.println("FOO = " + example.class.getField("FOO") + " (Arg! This shouldn't print anything)"); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { System.out.println("FOO isn't defined (good)"); } } }