& /Admin/Elements/Header, Title => $title &> <& /Admin/Elements/GroupTabs, GroupObj => $Group &> <& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@results &> <& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => $title &>
<%INIT> my ($title); my (@results); my $Group = new RT::Group($session{'CurrentUser'}); if ($Create) { $title = "Create a new group"; } else { if ($id eq 'new' ) { $Group->Create(Name => "$Name") || Abort ("Group could not be created."); $id = $Group->Id; } else { $Group->Load($id) || Abort('Could not load group'); } if ($id) { $title = "Modify the group ". $Group->Name; } # If the create failed else { $title = "Create a new group"; $Create = 1; } } if ($id) { my @fields = qw(Description Name ); my @fieldresults = UpdateRecordObject ( AttributesRef => \@fields, Object => $Group, ARGSRef => \%ARGS ); push (@results,@fieldresults); } %INIT> <%ARGS> $Create => undef $Name => undef $Description => undef $id => undef %ARGS>