ArraysNetRexx also supports fixed-size arrays. These are an ordered set of items, indexed by integers. To use an array, you first have to construct it; an individual item may then be selected by an index whose value must be in the range 0 through n-1, where n is the number of items in the array:array=String[3] -- make an array of three Strings array[0]='String one' -- set each array item array[1]='Another string' array[2]='foobar' loop i=0 to 2 -- display the items say array[i] endThis example also shows NetRexx line comments; the sequence -- (outside of literal strings or /* comments) indicates that the remainder of the line is not part of the program and is commentary. NetRexx makes it easy to initialize arrays: a term which is a list of one or more expressions, enclosed in brackets, defines an array. Each expression initializes an element of the array. For example: words=['Ogof', 'Ffynnon', 'Ddu']would set words to refer to an array of three elements, each referring to a string. So, for example, the instruction: say words[1]would then display Ffynnon. [previous | contents | next] From
The NetRexx Language by
Mike Cowlishaw,