VECFEM3 Reference Manual: vemlst
Type: list
vemlst - list of the VECFEM error codes
If in any VECFEM procedure an error occurs an error message is printed. The following list assigns the error codes a short description of the error code (it is equal to message printed by the VECFEM routine), the reason for the error and hints for an action to remove the error. Actions entitled by experts have to be considered by expert users, who works with the VECFEM library directly or have changed the code generated by vembuild or xvem. Users, who works with vembuild or xvem, have to contact the VECFEM programmers.
- description:
- The mesh input file NAME was not found.
- reason:
- The specified name of the mesh input file is incorrect or the mesh input file is not in the working directory.
- action:
- Correct the name of the mesh input file or rename the mesh input file, see Name of mesh input file. Check the working directory if host is used, see Host.
- description:
- Illegal element type in line NCARD.
- reason:
- In the mesh input file an element type was found which can not be processed by VECFEM.
- action:
- Use other element types, see The VECFEM Elements.
- description:
- Illegal load set type in line NCARD.
- reason:
- In the mesh input file a load set type is used which is not of type node forces.
- action:
- Use load sets of type node forces to specified the location of the point elements, see I-DEAS or PATRAN.
- description:
- Illegal restraint set type in line NCARD.
- reason:
- In the mesh input file a restraint set type is used which is not of the type displacements.
- action:
- Use restraint sets of type displacement to specified the location of the Dirichlet conditions, see I-DEAS or PATRAN.
- description:
- No data set found.
- reason:
- The file does not contain a data set matching the given selection criterions. Perhaps the file is empty.
- action:
- Check the file name or modify your selection criterions.
- description:
- Read error in line NCARD.
- reason:
- The reading of the mesh data failed during the reading of the NCARD-th line. Either additional lines are expected in the file or the line has an illegal syntax.
- action:
- Correct the mesh input file.
- description:
- An element type is not allowed in I-DEAS.
- reason:
- The VECFEM element type (FROM,CLASS,GEOTYP)= (FROM,CLASS,GEOTYP) can not be processed by I-DEAS.
- action:
- Remove the element from your mesh or use an other postprocessor, see Postprocessing.
- description:
- Unknown model type, data characteristic or data type for I-DEAS.
- reason:
- The indicators for the model type, data characteristic or data type are illegal.
- experts:
- Select a legal model type, data characteristic and data type.
- description:
- Unknown file format FTYPE for EnSight.
- reason:
- The indicator of the result file format FTYPE=IVEM(130) is illegal.
- experts:
- Set FTYPE=IVEM(130)=0 for scalar result data or FTYPE=IVEM(130)=1 for vector result data.
- description:
- Unknown file format FTYPE for ISVAS.
- reason:
- The indicator of the result file format FTYPE=IVEM(130) is illegal.
- experts:
- Set FTYPE=IVEM(130)=0 for scalar result data, FTYPE=IVEM(130)=1 for vector result data or FTYPE=IVEM(130)=2 for matrix result data.
- description:
- An element type is not allowed in PATRAN.
- reason:
- Remove the element from your mesh or use an other postprocessor. The VECFEM element type (FROM,CLASS,GEOTYP)= (FROM,CLASS,GEOTYP) can not be processed by PATRAN.
- action:
- Remove the element from your mesh or use an other postprocessor, see Postprocessing.
- description:
- Unknown file format FTYPE for PATRAN.
- reason:
- The indicator of the result file format FTYPE is illegal.
- experts:
- Set FTYPE=0 for unknown result data, set FTYPE=1 for scalar result data, set FTYPE=2 for vector result data, set FTYPE=3 for symmetrical matrix result data or set FTYPE=4 for general matrix result data.
- description:
- Unknown file format FTYPE for DataExplorer.
- reason:
- The indicator of the result file format FTYPE is illegal.
- experts:
- Set FTYPE=0 for unknown result data, set FTYPE=1 for scalar result data or set FTYPE=2 for vector result data.
- description:
- Structural defect in the input array of an output routine.
- reason:
- The nodal result or element result array has an defective storage scheme.
- experts:
- Check the leading dimensions of the result arrays.
- description:
- The MANIFOLD-integral was detected but the manifold is missed in the mesh.
- reason:
- In the functional equation the MANIFOLD-integration is used but there are no elements in the input mesh to describe this manifold.
- action:
- Add a subdivision of the MANIFOLD integration domain to the mesh (take care that the additional elements fit the already existing elements) or remove the MANIFOLD integral from the functional equation, see Functional Equation and Finite Element Mesh.
- description:
- Elements for MANIFOLD are not of order two/parabolic.
- reason:
- In this application VECFEM processes only elements of order two (i.e. elements with three nodes on their edges) but in the read mesh linear or cubic elements were found.
- action:
- Use elements of order two, see The VECFEM Elements.
- description:
- No condition for solution component COMPU.
- reason:
- There is no term in the functional equation, which is depending on the solution component COMPU. So this component cannot be calculated.
- action:
- Remove the solution component COMPU from your problem or introduce dependencies for this component, see Functional Equation.
- description:
- No contribution from test function COMPV.
- reason:
- There is no non-zero coefficient for the COMPV-th component of the test function. So there are not enough conditions to determine uniquely the solution.
- action:
- Add non-zero coefficients for the test function component COMPV (which corresponds to the introduction of an additional equation into your problem) or reduce the number of solution components, see Functional Equation.
- description:
- Missed coordinates for geometrical node NODID.
- reason:
- In the mesh there is an element which is referring to the geometrical node NODID but no coordinates for this node were specified. Perhaps there is an error in the generation of this element.
- action:
- Add the coordinates for the requested geometrical node or correct the defective element, see The Finite Element Mesh and VECFEM elements.
- description:
- There is not enough storage.
- reason:
- The calculation requires more maximal number of nodes, maximal number of elements or total storage than it was allocated by the user.
- action:
- Set the maximal number of nodes to MAXNN, the maximal number of elements to MAXNE and the total storage to STORE Mbytes. If the maximal number of nodes and/or maximal number elements were specified too large by the user, VECFEM can recommend a smaller total storage, since storage can be saved by a reduction of the maximal number of nodes or maximal number of elements. It is advisable to use little bit greater values than recommended by VECFEM. Take care that the total storage does not exceed the available storage of your system. See also Storage Requirement.
- description:
- Error during writing of data.
- reason:
- Data could not be written to the scratch file. Perhaps the file system is full.
- action:
- Check the file system in directory /tmp.
- description:
- Error during reading of data.
- reason:
- The data could not be read from the scratch file.
- action:
- Check the file system in directory for your scratch files (mostly it is /tmp).
- description:
- Reading of restart file failed.
- reason:
- VECFEM has tried to read a restart file but it is defective.
- action:
- Check the restart file.
- description:
- Restart file was generated by NPROC0 processors but the actual number of processors is equal to NPROC.
- reason:
- It is not possible to restart VECFEM with an other number of processors than VECFEM was stopped, since the data distribution is saved.
- action:
- Restart the program on NPROC0 processors.
- description:
- Writing of restart file failed.
- reason:
- VECFEM has tried to write a restart file but it has failed.
- action:
- Check your file system.
- description:
- There is a small array.
- reason:
- There is a mesh array, solution array or work array, which is too small.
- experts:
- Increase the lengths of the array indicated in the VECFEM output.
- description:
- Maximal number of Newton steps is reached.
- reason:
- The Newton iteration has reached the maximal number of Newton iteration (=MAXIT) which was prescribed by user.
- action:
- The maximal number of Newton iterations has only the task to limit the run time of your program and so you can increase the maximal number of Newton iteration or raise the limit. But past experiences have shown, that more than 10 Newton steps indicates a numerically crucial problem. It could be useful to look for a better initial guess, if you solve a steady problem, or to decrease the maximal step size for the time integration, if your problem is non-steady. See also section Newton-Raphson Iteration in the tutorial.
- description:
- Newton iteration diverges.
- reason:
- In spite of under-relaxation the defect of the Newton iteration could not be reduced. The iteration is given up.
- action:
- Your problem is ill-posed. See section Ill-posed Problems in the tutorial to get hints on potential reasons.
- description:
- Newton iteration breaks down since the correction is too small.
- reason:
- The stopping criterions are not fulfilled, but the calculated Newton correction is too small so that the solution can not be improved. In general this is caused by an ill-posed problem or a too small tolerance. If you solve a steady this can also be caused by a good initial guess (e.g. if you solve a test problem and the test solution is used as initial guess). If you solve a non-steady problem the initial step size (if the calculation fails in the first time step) or maximal step size could be too small.
- action:
- At first you should check that you prescribed accuracy for the solution is not too small (Normally a value lower than 1.E-8 is not appropriate). If you solve a steady problem you should perturb your initial guess with different orders of magnitude (e.g. by multiplication with factors 1.1,1.5,2.0,...). If you observe a divergent or badly convergent Newton iterations for small perturbations, your problem will be ill-posed, see sections Ill-posed Problems and Newton-Raphson Iteration in the tutorial. If you solve a non-steady problem you should increase the initial step size (if the calculation fails in the first time step), the maximal step size for the time integration or set the maximal step size to zero, so that no upper limit for the step size is set, see Non-steady Problem Templates
- description:
- LINSOL diverges.
- reason:
- If the given problem is ill-posed or has not an unique solution the Newton-Raphson corrections can not be calculated.
- action:
- Check weather your problem is ill-posed, see chapter Convergence in the tutorial.
- description:
- LINSOL did not converge after ITMAX MVMs.
- reason:
- In LINSOL the number of executed matrix-vector-multiplications has reached the maximal number of matrix-vector-multiplications (=TMAX) which was prescribed by user.
- action:
- The maximal number of matrix-vector-multiplications has only the task to limit the run time of your program and so you can increase the maximal number of matrix-vector-multiplications. But past experiences have shown, that more than the number of unknowns (=M) indicates a non-regular or ill-posed matrix. It is recommendable to check, whether the problem is correctly defined, see chapter Convergence in the tutorial.
- description:
- Normalization in LINSOL failed.
- reason:
- There is a row in the global matrix which contains only values equal to zero. Then there is a component COMP, so that in the functional equation the coefficients F(COMP) of component COMP of the test function depends not on COMP-th component of the solution (This is a typical situation for a mixed finite element approximation) but there is a node which belongs to elements where all nodes have Dirichlet conditions for all solution components, on which F(COMP) is depending.
- action:
- Please read the chapter on the Navier-Stokes equations in VECFEM's [FAQ].
- description:
- Newton diverges but HMIN is reached.
- reason:
- If during the time integration the Newton iteration diverges, the step size is halved and a new Newton iteration is started. If the new step size is lower than the given minimal step size the iteration process is stopped.
- action:
- Naturally it seems to be appropriate to reduce the minimal step size. But you should do this very carefully, since likely your problem is not correctly defined or ill-posed, see section Ill-posed Problems in the tutorial.
- description:
- Fatal error in LINSOL.
- reason:
- LINSOL indicates a fatal internal error.
- experts:
- Contact the VECFEM programmers.
- description:
- Too small storage in VEM500/VEM517.
- reason:
- The routine has not enough work space to calculate the element matrices.
- experts:
- Contact the VECFEM programmers.
- description:
- There is an empty element stripe in VEM500/VEM517.
- reason:
- The routine has not enough work space to calculate the element matrices.
- experts:
- Contact the VECFEM programmers.
- description:
- The number of components must be positive.
- reason:
- You have entered an illegal number of solution components.
- action:
- Enter the correct number of solution components, see Number of solution components NK. Sometimes VECFEM couldnot find the mesh input file or the input file is defective, see Name of mesh input file
- description:
- Dimension DIM can be 1,2 or 3.
- reason:
- VECFEM can only solve one-, two- or three-dimensional problems.
- action:
- Select an allowed space dimension. Sometimes VECFEM didn`t find the mesh input file or the input file is defective, see Name of mesh input file.
- description:
- HMIN must be less than HMAX.
- reason:
- The minimal step size HMIN is greater than the maximal step size HMAX.
- action:
- Set the maximal step size greater the minimal step size. If the maximal step size HMAX is set to zero no upper bound for the step size is set. See time step size.
- description:
- TEND must be greater than T0.
- reason:
- The end time TEND is less the initial time T0.
- action:
- Set the end time greater than the initial time T0, see Initial time t0.
- description:
- Illegal MESH=IVEM(1)
- reason:
- MESH=IVEM(1) must be greater than 203+NPROC.
- experts:
- Correct MESH.
- description:
- Illegal time mark.
- reason:
- The difference between two requested time marks must be positive.
- action:
- Use a positive time increment, see Time increment dT.
- description:
- The number of unknowns and number of processors is restricted.
- reason:
- You are using a demo version of the VECFEM library.
- action:
- Plaese contact the VECFEM distributor to obtain a unrestricted licence.
- description:
- Defective mesh array structure.
- reason:
- The structure of a mesh array is not correct. Read the message output to get the details.
- experts:
- Correct the values indicated in the VECFEM output.
- description:
- You have forgotten to call VEMDIS.
- reason:
- The mesh data have to be prepared before the calculation can be started.
- experts:
- Call vemdis before you call any other VECFEM routine.
- description:
- Error in VEM700: Too small storage for INDEX array.
- reason:
- The global matrix is stored in packed form, but the available storage is not large enough to store the needed tables.
- action:
- Give more work space, see Storage Requirement.
- description:
- Error in VEM700: Too small storage for packing of global matrix.
- reason:
- The global matrix is stored in packed form, but the available storage is not large enough to pack the matrix.
- action:
- First you should try to reduce the bandwidth of the mesh by renumbering the nodes by a bandwidth optimizer. If you use a preprocessor (e.g. I-DEAS, PATRAN) there will be tools available to minimize the bandwidth of the generated mesh, see Node Numbering. If you are sure, that mesh is well-numbered, or you have no possibility to reduce the bandwidth, you can increase the number of stripes for matrix packing, see Amount in matrix packing. But it is not recommandable to increase this value over 50, since the packing will be get to expensive and mostly the calculation will fail in an other procedure. If the maximal number of stripes is already in the order of the crutial value, you have to follow the recommendation of VECFEM to increase the total storage to the required value, see Storage Requirement.
- description:
illegal element jacobian.
- reason:
- There are at least NELEM inner elements which have a defective shape, e.g. two identical geometrical nodes are used to describe the element shape or there are crossing element edges.
- experts:
- Correct the geometry mesh.
- description:
illegal element areas.
- reason:
- There are at least NELEM area elements which have a defective shape, e.g. two identical geometrical nodes are used to describe the element shape or there are crossing element edges.
- experts:
- Correct the geometry mesh.
- description:
illegal element length.
- reason:
- There are at least NELEM line elements which have a defective shape, e.g. two identical geometrical nodes are used to describe the element shape.
- experts:
- Correct the geometry mesh.
- description:
- Incorrect Frechet derivatives.
- reason:
- The numerical calculation of the Frechet derivative and the evaluation of the user defined Frechet derivative are different. Read the VECFEM output for more informations.
- experts:
- Correct the Frechet derivatives.
- description:
- The linear form coefficient for test function COMPV is nonzero but the mask for group GROUP is false.
- reason:
- There is an error in your mask settings for the linear functional.
- experts:
- Set the mask entry for group GROUP to true.
- description:
- The Frechet derivatives for (COMPV,COMPU) is nonzero but the mask for group GROUP is false.
- reason:
- There is an error in your mask settings for the Frechet derivative.
- experts:
- Set the mask entry for group GROUP to true.
- description:
- Illegal element dimension=CLASS.
- reason:
- The element dimension CLASS is not equal to 0,1,2 or 3.
- action:
- Selecte an allowed element dimension, see VECFEM elements.
- description:
- Illegal element form=FORM.
- reason:
- The element form FORM does not fit to a element dimension CLASS.
- action:
- Select an allowed element form, see VECFEM elements.
- description:
- Illegal NELTYP.
- reason:
- The selected number of proposal function is not allowed on the element form.
- experts:
- Select allowed NELTYP.
- description:
- reason:
- The selected number of nodes in the element shape =GEOTYP does not fit to the element type (CLASS,FORM)=(CLASS,FORM).
- action:
- Select an allowed GEOTYP, see VECFEM elements.
- description:
- Illegal element library.
- reason:
- The selected element library is not allowed for the element form.
- experts:
- Select an allowed element library.
- description:
- No integration formula for element type (CLASS,FORM)=(CLASS,FORM).
- reason:
- There is no integration formula table available for the element type (CLASS,FORM)=(CLASS,FORM).
- action:
- Select an other element type, see VECFEM elements.
- description:
- Too small work space.
- reason:
- There is not enough storage to evaluate the proposal functions.
- action:
- Contact the VECFEM programmers.
- description:
- Illegal element library in VEMU05/VEMU06
- reason:
- VEMU05/VEMU06 can only process element library PRFLIB=0 or 1.
- experts:
- Select an allowed element library.
- description:
- The leading dimension of U must be greater/equal the number of geometrical nodes.
- reason:
- The leading dimension of the array U, which specify values at the geomtrical nodes, must be greater or equal to the actual number of nodes on the process.
- experts:
- Correct the leading dimension.
VECFEM, vemhint, xvem.
Program by L. Grosz, 1995-1996. Copyrights by Universitaet Karlsruhe 1989-1996. Copyrights by Lutz Grosz 1996. All rights reserved. More details see VECFEM.