Trf commands: misc.
[ Commands | Sitemap ] [ binio| transform| zip| bz2 ]
7 more commands are available, not fitting into the categories
of message digests or conversion:
crypt |
implements the crypt function used by unix to hash the
user passwords.
md5crypt |
is an alternative to crypt using MD5 as its
hashing algorithm.
transform |
implements a general transformation. The underlying
functionality is made available to the script level.
rs_ecc |
A reed-solomon error correcting coder is available under the
name rs_ecc. The one and only option understood is
``-mode''. It is equivalent to the option understood by the
conversion commands. The coder operates on
blocks of 248 characters each, therefore buffering 247
zip |
A compressor based upon the zlib-library.
bz2 |
A compressor based upon the bzlib-library.
unstack |
This command must be used to remove a conversion channel. The
underlying channel is uncovered and accessible again afterward.
It requires a channelhandle as its one and only argument. Its
application to a normal channel (file, socket, ...) is identical
to close.
binio |
This command is excluded by default, as tcl 8.0 now provides
equivalent functionality (See commands binary and
fcopy). Inclusion requires application of the byteorder
patch. See the installation manual more information.
Please note: Due to the availability of the
binary command in tcl 8.x I have decided to remove
the support for binio in the next release of Trf.
© Andreas Kupries
Last update at Mon Aug 20 22:52:27 PDT 2001