& /Admin/Elements/Header, Title => $title &> <& /Admin/Elements/UserTabs, id => $id, current_subtab => '/Admin/Elements/Modify.html?id='.$id &> <& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@results &>
<%INIT> my $UserObj = new RT::User($session{'CurrentUser'}); my ($title, $PrivilegedChecked, $EnabledChecked, $Disabled, $result, @results); my ($val, $msg); if ($Create) { $title = "Create a new user"; } else { if ($id eq 'new') { ($val, $msg) = $UserObj->Create( Name => $Name, EmailAddress => $ARGS{'EmailAddress'} ); if ($val) { push @results, $msg; } else { push @results, 'User could not be created: '. $msg; } } else { $UserObj->Load($id) || $UserObj->Load($Name) || Abort("Couldn't load user '$Name'"); $val = $UserObj->Id(); } if ($val) { $title = "Modify the user ". $UserObj->Name; } # If the create failed else { $title = "Create a new user"; $Create = 1; } } # If we have a user to modify, lets try. if ($UserObj->Id) { my @fields = qw(Name Comments Signature EmailAddress FreeformContactInfo Organization RealName NickName Lang EmailEncoding WebEncoding ExternalContactInfoId ContactInfoSystem Gecos ExternalAuthId AuthSystem HomePhone WorkPhone MobilePhone PagerPhone Address1 Address2 City State Zip Country ); my @fieldresults = UpdateRecordObject ( AttributesRef => \@fields, Object => $UserObj, ARGSRef => \%ARGS ); push (@results,@fieldresults); # {{{ Deal with special fields: Privileged, Enabled and Password if ( ($SetPrivileged) and ( $Privileged != $UserObj->Privileged) ) { my ($code, $msg) = $UserObj->SetPrivileged($Privileged); push @results, 'Privileged status: '. $msg; } #we're asking about enabled on the web page but really care about disabled. if ($Enabled == 1) { $Disabled = 0; } else { $Disabled = 1; } if ( ($SetEnabled) and ( $Disabled != $UserObj->Disabled) ) { my ($code, $msg) = $UserObj->SetDisabled($Disabled); push @results, 'Enabled status '. $msg; } #TODO: make this report errors properly if ((defined $Pass1) and ($Pass1 ne '') and ($Pass1 eq $Pass2) and (!$UserObj->IsPassword($Pass1))) { my ($code, $msg); ($code, $msg) = $UserObj->SetPassword($Pass1); push @results, 'Password: '. $msg; } # }}} } # {{{ Do some setup for the ui unless ($UserObj->Disabled()) { $EnabledChecked ="CHECKED"; } if ($UserObj->Privileged()) { $PrivilegedChecked = "CHECKED"; } # }}} %INIT> <%ARGS> $id => undef $Name => undef $Comments => undef $Signature => undef $EmailAddress => undef $FreeformContactInfo => undef $Organization => undef $RealName => undef $NickName => undef $Privileged => undef $SetPrivileged => undef $Enabled => undef $SetEnabled => undef $Lang => undef $EmailEncoding => undef $WebEncoding => undef $ExternalContactInfoId => undef $ContactInfoSystem => undef $Gecos => undef $ExternalAuthId => undef $AuthSystem => undef $HomePhone => undef $WorkPhone => undef $MobilePhone => undef $PagerPhone => undef $Address1 => undef $Address2 => undef $City => undef $State => undef $Zip => undef $Country => undef $Pass1 => undef $Pass2=> undef $Create=> undef %ARGS>