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About: About this document `sic.c' & `sic.h'

Here are the functions for creating and managing sic parsers.

#ifndef SIC_SIC_H
#define SIC_SIC_H 1

#include <sic/common.h>
#include <sic/error.h>
#include <sic/list.h>
#include <sic/syntax.h>

typedef struct sic {
  char *result;                 /* result string */
  size_t len;                   /* bytes used by result field */
  size_t lim;                   /* bytes allocated to result field */
  struct builtintab *builtins;  /* tables of builtin functions */
  SyntaxTable **syntax;         /* dispatch table for syntax of input */
  List *syntax_init;            /* stack of syntax state initialisers */
  List *syntax_finish;          /* stack of syntax state finalizers */
  SicState *state;              /* state data from syntax extensions */
} Sic;

#endif /* !SIC_SIC_H */

This structure has fields to store registered command (builtins) and syntax (syntax) handlers, along with other state information (state) that can be used to share information between various handlers, and some room to build a result or error string (result).

This document was generated by Gary V. Vaughan on May, 24 2001 using texi2html