
MTZMNF (CCP4: Supported Program)


mtzmnf - Identify missing data entries in an MTZ file and replace with a Missing Number Flag (MNF).


mtzmnf hklin foo_in.mtz hklout foo_out.mtz
[Keyworded input]


In a typical series of diffraction experiments, not all Bragg reflexions for a given resolution range are in fact recorded. Hence, after TRUNCATE some reflexion data records may be entirely missing from the MTZ file, although the reflexion indices lie within the measured resolution range. It is strongly recommended that index sets are made complete within the desired resolution range - a script to do this is provided in $CETC/uniqueify. The MTZ file will then contain records where there are indices but no measured data. This means that it is easy to estimate completeness and later programs can `restore' values if possible. Furthermore, a particular reflexion may be recorded for the native protein but not for a derivative, and the corresponding combined reflexion data record should indicate `missing data' for the derivative.

To-date, missing data has been indicated in a variety of ways. For example, a zero standard deviation is taken to mean that the corresponding datum (e.g. structure factor amplitude) is missing. In all cases, however, the indicator is a number upon which arithmetic operations can (erroneously) be performed. This convention has now been discarded in favour of representing missing data by Missing Number Flags (MNF), which by default take the value of an IEEE NaN or VMS Rop. All relevant programs check for the presence of MNFs in input MTZ files, and take appropriate action. In particular, when displaying MTZ files using the program MTZDUMP (or the script $CETC/mtzdmp) missing data can be identified and are subsequently represented in the output in an unambiguous manner.

All programs will now output MNFs where appropriate. Where such values occur in an input MTZ file, they will be carried through to the output. Alternatively, MNFs may be generated when for some reason no value can be calculated for a particular reflection and column.

The program MTZMNF has been provided to convert old-style MTZ files to the new convention. The program relies on being able to identify `missing data', and to this end a number of cases are checked. These cases are explained in detail in the section PROGRAM FUNCTION below. When a missing datum is identified, the corresponding entry in the MTZ file is replaced by a MNF. The value of the MNF is taken from the header of the MTZ file, and will typically be a NaN or Rop. For old MTZ files, which have no MNF specified in the header, the MNF is automatically set to NaN or Rop.

As a safety feature, only columns which are explicitly specified with the LABIN keyword are converted. Columns which are not specified via the LABIN keyword are written unchanged to HKLOUT. Old-style MTZ files may still be used with all CCP4 programs, and old-style checks on missing data remain in place (occurring after the check for a MNF). However, new data sets, completed with $CETC/uniqueify and combined with CAD, should automatically include the necessary MNF entries.


The various data control lines are identified by keywords, those available being:
END, LABIN(compulsory), TITLE

LABIN <program label>=<file label>

A line giving the labels of the input columns from HKLIN to be converted. Only the columns specified will be converted to the MNF format; the remainder are output unchanged. The allowed program labels are Fi SIGFi Di SIGDi (i=1,20), FCi PHICi (i=1,5), Ii SIGIi (i=1,5), PHIBi FOMi HLAi HLBi HLCi HLDi (i=1,5). The numbering used must be consistent. In particular, if Di and SIGDi are specified then Fi and SIGFi must also be specified, and must refer to the structure factor amplitude associated with the anomalous difference data, see example below. Futhermore Fi/SIGFi, Di/SIGDi, FCi/PHICi, Ii/SIGIi and PHIBi/FOMi must be specified in pairs, e.g. it is an error to specify F1 but not SIGF1. Columns for which an appropriate program label is not supplied by the program cannot be converted. This is usually because an appropriate conversion protocol does not exist.
Note: The conversion of FCi/PHICi columns may in some cases be dangerous - see the section PROGRAM FUNCTION below.

TITLE <title>

Title to be used in output log file and in output hkl file.


Terminate input.


The input files are:
  • The control data file.
  • Reflection data file in MTZ format, assigned to HKLIN.

The output file is a reflection data file in MTZ format.


The printer output first gives details taken from the input control data. Then header information from the input MTZ file is echoed. Finally, a summary of the changes made, i.e. the number of extra MNFs written to each column specified in LABIN, is given.


The specified columns of HKLIN are assumed to fall into the following groups: (1) Fi, SIGFi together with Di, SIGDi if present; (2) FCi, PHICi; (3) Ii, SIGIi; (4) PHIBi, FOMi together with HLAi, HLBi, HLCi, HLDi if present. For each reflexion, each specified column is first checked to see if a MNF is already present. If a MNF is found for one member of a group, then all remaining members of that group are assumed to be missing and are replaced by MNF, with the exception that a missing Di/SIGDi does not imply missing Fi/SIGFi. Next, an attempt is made to identify `missing data' in the specified columns with the following tests:
  1. If SIGF = 0.0 then SIGF and the corresponding F (and D/SIGD if present) are replaced by MNFs.
  2. If SIGD = 0.0 and the reflection is acentric then SIGD and the corresponding D are replaced by MNFs. However, if the reflection is centric then SIGD and the corresponding D are not replaced.
  3. If the calculated structure factor FC = 0.0 then FC and PHIC are replaced by MNFs. WARNING: this situation is likely to be rare and may even be dangerous! In exceptional cases, NCS may allow a legitimate value of 0.0 to be calculated for FC. On the other hand, FC = 0.0 may indicate use of the wrong space group. Finally, low precision data may cause a small but non-zero value of FC to be confused with 0.0. The latter should not occur with output from CCP4 programs, but may occur if FC data is imported.
  4. If SIGI = 0.0 then SIGI and the corresponding I are replaced by MNFs.
  5. If the weight FOM = 0.0 then PHIB, FOM and the corresponding Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients HLA, HLB, HLC, HLD (if present) are replaced by MNFs.


    mtzmnf hklin $CEXAM/toxd/toxd_old.mtz hklout $CCP4_SCR/toxd_mnf.mtz 
    TITLE testing
        D2=ANAU20 SIGD2=SIGANAU20 -
        F2=FAU20  SIGF2=SIGFAU20 -
        F3=FMM11  SIGF3=SIGFMM11 -
        F4=FI100  SIGF4=SIGFI100


Martyn Winn, Daresbury

Eleanor Dodson, York University