// Copyright (c) 1999-2000 David Muse
// See the COPYING file for more information.
#ifndef REGEXP_H
#define REGEXP_H
// The regular expression class provides methods for making comparisons
// between text and regular expressions.
// Regular expressions are complex, powerful, used in command line
// programs like grep, sed and find, and extensively in Perl.
class regularexpression {
regularexpression(char *pattern);
// this constructor calls the compile method
// below during initialization
virtual ~regularexpression();
// if you need to do a quick comparison, use this method
static int match(char *str, char *pattern);
// returns 1 if "str" matches "pattern"
// and 0 if "str" doesn't match "pattern"
// if you need to do many comparisons against a single
// expression, use these methods
int compile(char *pattern);
// Compiles the regular expression given in
// "pattern". Returns 1 if the compilation
// succeeded and 0 if it failed.
int match(char *str);
// Matches "str" against the regular expression
// compiled earlier using the compile method.
// Returns 1 if the match was successful and
// 0 if it was not.
#include <rudiments/private/regularexpression.h>