
Index of values

_8000 [Cryptokit.Padding]
This padding scheme pads data with one 0x80 byte, followed by as many 0 bytes as needed to fill the block.

aes [Cryptokit.MAC]
aes key returns a MAC based on AES encryption in CBC mode.
aes [Cryptokit.Cipher]
AES is the Advanced Encryption Standard, also known as Rijndael.
arcfour [Cryptokit.Cipher]
ARCfour (``alleged RC4'') is a fast stream cipher that appears to produce equivalent results with the commercial RC4 cipher from RSA Data Security Inc.

compose [Cryptokit]
Compose two transforms, feeding the output of the first transform to the input of the second transform.
compress [Cryptokit.Zlib]
Return a transform that compresses its input.

decode [Cryptokit.Hexa]
Return a transform that decodes its input from hexadecimal.
decode [Cryptokit.Base64]
Return a transform that performs base 64 decoding.
decrypt [Cryptokit.RSA]
decrypt k msg decrypts the ciphertext string msg with the private part of key k (components n and d).
decrypt_CRT [Cryptokit.RSA]
decrypt_CRT k msg decrypts the ciphertext string msg with the CRT private part of key k (components n, p, q, dp, dq and qinv).
derive_key [Cryptokit.DH]
derive_key shared_secret numbytes derives a secret string (typically, a key for symmetric encryption) from the given shared secret.
des [Cryptokit.MAC]
des key returns a MAC based on DES encryption in CBC mode.
des [Cryptokit.Cipher]
DES is the Data Encryption Standard.
des_final_triple_des [Cryptokit.MAC]
des_final_triple_des key returns a MAC that uses DES CBC with the first 8 bytes of key as key.
device_rng [Cryptokit.Random]
device_rng devicename returns a random number generator that reads from the special file devicename, e.g.

egd_rng [Cryptokit.Random]
device_rng egd_socket returns a random number generator that uses the Entropy Gathering Daemon (
encode [Cryptokit.Hexa]
Return a transform that encodes its input in hexadecimal.
encode_compact [Cryptokit.Base64]
Same as Cryptokit.Base64.encode_multiline, but the output is not split into lines, and no final padding is added.
encode_multiline [Cryptokit.Base64]
Return a transform that performs base 64 encoding.
encrypt [Cryptokit.RSA]
encrypt k msg encrypts the string msg with the public part of key k (components n and e).

hash_channel [Cryptokit]
hash_channel h ic reads characters from the input channel ic, computes their hash value and returns it.
hash_string [Cryptokit]
hash_string h s runs the string s through the hash function h and returns the hash value of s.
hmac_md5 [Cryptokit.MAC]
hmac_md5 key returns a MAC based on the HMAC construction (RFC2104) applied to MD5.
hmac_sha1 [Cryptokit.MAC]
hmac_sha1 key returns a MAC based on the HMAC construction (RFC2104) applied to SHA-1.

length [Cryptokit.Padding]
This padding scheme pads data with n copies of the character having code n.

md5 [Cryptokit.Hash]
MD5 is an older hash function, producing 128-bit hashes (16 bytes).
message [Cryptokit.DH]
Compute the message to be sent to the other party.
mod_mult [Cryptokit]
mod_mult a b c computes a*b mod c, where the strings a, b, c and the result string are viewed as arbitrary-precision integers in big-endian format.
mod_power [Cryptokit]
mod_power a b c computes a^b mod c, where the strings a, b, c and the result string are viewed as arbitrary-precision integers in big-endian format.

new_key [Cryptokit.RSA]
Generate a new, random RSA key.
new_parameters [Cryptokit.DH]
Generate a new set of Diffie-Hellman parameters.

private_secret [Cryptokit.DH]
Generate a random private secret.
pseudo_rng [Cryptokit.Random]
pseudo_rng seed returns a pseudo-random number generator seeded by the string seed.

secure_rng [Cryptokit.Random]
A high-quality random number generator, using hard-to-predict system data to generate entropy.
sha1 [Cryptokit.Hash]
SHA-1 is the Secure Hash Algorithm revision 1.
shared_secret [Cryptokit.DH]
Recover the shared secret from the private secret of the present party and the message received from the other party.
sign [Cryptokit.RSA]
sign k msg encrypts the plaintext string msg with the private part of key k (components n and d), thus performing a digital signature on msg.
sign_CRT [Cryptokit.RSA]
sign_CRT k msg encrypts the plaintext string msg with the CRT private part of key k (components n, p, q, dp, dq and qinv), thus performing a digital signature on msg.
string [Cryptokit.Random]
random_string rng len returns a string of len random bytes read from the generator rng.

transform_channel [Cryptokit]
transform_channel t ic oc reads characters from input channel ic, runs them through the transform t, and writes the transformed data to the output channel oc.
transform_string [Cryptokit]
transform_string t s runs the string s through the transform t and returns the transformed string.
triple_des [Cryptokit.MAC]
des key returns a MAC based on triple DES encryption in CBC mode.
triple_des [Cryptokit.Cipher]
Triple DES with two or three DES keys.

uncompress [Cryptokit.Zlib]
Return a transform that decompresses its input.
unwrap_signature [Cryptokit.RSA]
unwrap_signature k msg decrypts the ciphertext string msg with the public part of key k (components n and d), thus extracting the plaintext that was signed by the sender.

wipe_key [Cryptokit.RSA]
Erase all components of a RSA key.
wipe_string [Cryptokit]
wipe_string s overwrites s with zeroes.

xor_string [Cryptokit]
xor_string src spos dst dpos len performs the xor (exclusive or) of characters spos, ..., spos + len - 1 of src with characters dpos, ..., dpos + len - 1 of dst, storing the result in dst starting at position dpos.