This module implements cyradm in Perl. It is a shell around
the Cyrus::IMAP::Admin manpage. Commands are provided in both Tcl-compatible
forms and GNU-style long option forms.
Authenticate to server. You must already be connected to a server and
Cyrus imapd will refuse to allow you to re-authenticate once you have
authenticated once.
Administrators do not have implicit delete rights on mailboxes. Use the
setaclmailbox command to grant the c permission (or other permission
as specified by the deleteright configuration option in imapd.conf)
to your principal if you need to delete a mailbox you do not own.
Note that the online help admits to an optional host argument. This argument
is not currently used, and will be rejected with an error if specified; it
is reserved for IMSP.
List all, or all subscribed, mailboxes matching the specified pattern.
The pattern may have embedded wildcards '*' or '%', which match
anything or anything except the separator character, respectively.
Mailboxes returned will be relative to the specified reference if one
is specified. This allows a mailbox list to be limited to a particular
In some cases when the '%' wildcard is used to end a pattern, it may
match an entry which is not a mailbox but which contains other mailboxes.
In this case, the entry will be parenthesized to indicate that it is a
root for other mailboxes, as opposed to a mailbox itself.
List quotas on specified root. If the specified mailbox path does not have
a quota assigned, an error will be raised; see listquotaroot for a way to
find the quota root for a mailbox.
Rename the specified mailbox, optionally moving it to a different partition.
Both old-style and getopt-style usages are accepted; combining them will
produce an error.
With no arguments, show the current server. With an argument, connect to that
server. It will prompt for automatic login unless the --noauthenticate
option is specified. (This may change; in particular, either automatic
authentication will be removed or all authenticate options will be added.)
When connected to a server, cyradm's prompt changes from cyradm> to
servername>, where servername is the fully qualified domain name
of the connected server.
Set ACLs on a mailbox. The ACL may be one of the special strings none,
read (lrs), post (lrsp), append (lrsip), write
(lrswipcd), or all (lrswipcda), or any combinations of the ACL codes:
Set a quota on the specified root, which may or may not be an actual mailbox.
The only resource understood by Cyrus is STORAGE. The value may
be the special string none which will remove the quota.
GNU-style long options must be given in their entirety; Tcl-style options
may be abbreviated.
Tcl-style options are provided as a compatibility feature. They will
probably go away in the future.
Multiple commands can be given on a line, separated by ';' characters.
All commands set an exit status, which at present is not useful.
Unknown commands are passed to a subshell for execution.
The Tcl version of cyradm is used for scripting as well as interactively.
While this is possible to a limited extent by use of the run method,
scripting would normally be done with Cyrus::IMAP::Admin, which is far
more flexible than either interactive cyradm or the Tcl scripting
mechanism for Cyrus.
cyradm understands /bin/sh-style redirection: any command can have
its standard or error output redirected, with all sh-style redirections
(except <>) supported. It does not currently understand pipes
or backgrounding.
If the Term::Readline::Perl or Term::Readline::GNU modules are
available, cyradm will use it.
An alias facility is implemented internally, but no access is currently
provided to it. This will change, if only to allow some of the predefined
aliases to be removed if they conflict with useful shell commands.