NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS FILES BUGS NAMEFUD - provide information about user mailboxes SYNOPSISfud [ -C config-file ] [ -U uses ] [ -T timeout ] [ -D ] DESCRIPTIONFUD is a long lived datagram daemon started from master that provides information about when a user last read their mail, when mail last arrived in a user's mailbox, and how many messages are recent for that user. Note that for FUD to run properly you must set proto=udp in its cyrus.conf services entry. prefork=1 is also rec- ommended. FUD will automatically proxy any and all FUD requests to the appropriate backend server if it is run- ing on a Cyrus Murder frontend machine. FUD reads its configuration options out of the imapd.conf(5) file unless specified otherwise by -C. OPTIONS
FILES/etc/imapd.conf Default configuration file. /etc/cyrus.conf Cyrus Master process configuration file. BUGSThough not really a bug, FUD will silently ignore any requests that it does not consider valid. Also not really a bug, FUD requires that the anonymous user has the 0 (zero) right on the mailbox in question. This is only a "bug" because 0 is not a standard IMAP ACL bit. FUD is an experimental interface meant to provide information to build a finger-like service around. Eventually it should be superceded by LDAP or ACAP (using the mailbox dataset). |