NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS FILES /etc/imapd.conf NAMEipurge - delete mail from IMAP mailbox or partition based on age or size SYNOPSISipurge [ -f ] [ -C config-file ] [ -x ] [ -s ] DESCRIPTIONIpurge deletes messages from the mailbox(es) specified by mailbox-pattern that are older or larger than specified by the -d, -b, -k or -m options. If no mailbox-pattern is given, ipurge works on all mailboxes. If the -x option is given, the message age and size MUST match exactly those specified by -d, -b, -k or -m. The are no default val- ues, and at least one of -d, -b, -k or -m MUST be specified. Ipurge by default only deletes mail below shared folders, which means that mails in mailbox(es) below INBOX.* and user.* stay untouched. Use the option -f to also delete mail in mailbox(es) below these folders. Ipurge reads its configuration options out of the imapd.conf(5) file unless specified otherwise by -C. OPTIONS
FILES/etc/imapd.conf |