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XXII. DB++ Functions
Einführungdb++, made by the German company Concept asa, is a relational database system with high performance and low memory and disk usage in mind. While providing SQL as an additional language interface, it is not really a SQL database in the first place but provides its own AQL query language which is much more influenced by the relational algebra then SQL is. Concept asa always had an interest in supporting open source languages, db++ has had Perl and Tcl call interfaces for years now and uses Tcl as its internal stored procedure language. AnforderungenThis extension relies on external client libraries so you have to have a db++ client installed on the system you want to use this extension on. Concept asa provides db++ Demo versions and documentation for Linux, some other UNIX versions. There is also a Windows version of db++, but this extension doesn't support it (yet). InstallationIn order to build this extension yourself you need the db++ client libraries and header files to be installed on your system (these are included in the db++ installation archives by default). You have to run configure with option --with-dbplus to build this extension. configure looks for the client libraries and header files under the default paths /usr/dbplus, /usr/local/dbplus and /opt/dblus. If you have installed db++ in a different place you have add the installation path to the configure option like this: --with-dbplus=/your/installation/path. Vordefinierte KonstantenFolgende Konstanten werden von dieser Erweiterung definiert und stehen nur zur Verfügung, wenn die Erweiterung entweder statisch in PHP kompiliert oder dynamisch zur Laufzeit geladen wurde. db++ error codes
Tabelle 1. DB++ Error Codes