Schema ID: dialup
Timestamp Field: time
The dialup DLF schema represents each connection attempt with one DLF record.
Fields in the Schema
Type: timestamp
Defaults: 0
The time at which the dial up connection started.
Type: string
Defaults: -
Telephone number of the local telephone.
Type: string
Defaults: -
Telephone number which is being called.
Type: duration
Defaults: 0
The duration of the dial up connection.
Type: string
Defaults: -
Direction of the connection. Inbound connections are those in which is machine on which the log is recorded is called, while in outbound connections the machine makes the call.
Type: string
Defaults: -
The type of the connection: speech or data.
Type: string
Defaults: -
The status of the connection: busy, ring, failed or connected. A failed connection happens when the dialed telephone number does not exist (is unallocated).
Type: string
Defaults: -
The status of the connection: no_answer, unallocated or normal. An unallocated telephone number is a number that does not exist.
Type: number
Defaults: 0
The total cost of the dial up connection.
Type: string
Defaults: -
The currency in which the cost is expressed.