Schema ID: dnszone
Timestamp Field: time
This DLF file is adequate to represent most common information about dnszone operations: approved/denied AXFR requests, completed zone transfers, loaded master and slave zones and denied dynamic DNS updates. See also the bind8_named2dlf manpage for some more info on the dnszone DLF format.
Fields in the Schema
Type: hostname
Defaults: -
Name of the DNS server.
Type: timestamp
Defaults: 0
The time of the event.
Type: ip
Defaults: -
IP address of the host requesting the AXFR.
Type: hostname
Defaults: -
Name of the zone being requested. E.g.
Type: string
Defaults: -
Either approved, denied or axfr.
Type: hostname
Defaults: -
Name of the zone just loaded. E.g.
Type: number
Defaults: 0
Serial of the zone just loaded, as in the DNS SOA record. E.g. 2002071301 or 1024654055.
Type: string
Defaults: -
Either master or slave.
Type: ip
Defaults: -
IP address of the host requesting the update.
Type: hostname
Defaults: -
Name of the zone being updated.