CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.77">2.2. Database Query Functions2.2.1. dbd_fetch_rowint dbd_fetch_row(dbi_result_t *result, unsigned int rownum) |
Fetches the target row, retrieving one-time field information if necessary. Also see the _dbd_row_allocate and _dbd_row_finalize helper functions. - Arguments
result: The target result object. rownum: The row number to fetch. - Returns
0 on error, 1 on successful fetch.
2.2.2. dbd_free_queryint dbd_free_query(dbi_result_t *result) |
Frees the target result handle. - Arguments
result: The target result handle. - Returns
0 on success (this should be changed)
2.2.3. dbd_goto_rowint dbd_goto_row(dbi_result_t *result, unsigned int row) |
Jumps to the specifed row in the result set. - Arguments
result: The target result handle. row: The target row number. - Returns
1 on success, 0 on error.
2.2.4. dbd_list_dbsdbi_result_t *dbd_list_dbs(dbi_conn_t *conn) |
Performs a query that retrieves the list of databases, with the database name as the first column in the result set. - Arguments
conn: The target connection. - Returns
A DBI result object.
2.2.5. dbd_list_tablesdbi_result_t *dbd_list_tables(dbi_conn_t *conn, const char *db) |
Performs a query that retrieves the list of tables in the specified database, with the table name as the first column in the result set. - Arguments
conn: The target connection. db: The name of the database where tables should be looked for. - Returns
A DBI result object.
2.2.6. dbd_querydbi_result_t *dbd_query(dbi_conn_t *conn, const char *statement) |
Performs a query and keeps track of meta-information about the query. Also see the _dbd_result_create helper function. - Arguments
conn: The target connection. statement: The query string to execute. - Returns
A DBI result object, or NULL on error.
2.2.7. dbd_select_dbchar *dbd_select_db(dbi_conn_t *conn, const char *db) |
Selects a new database on the server. - Arguments
conn: The target connection. db: The name of the database to switch to. - Returns
The database name on success, "" on error, or NULL if the operation is not supported by the database server.