! MolScript v2.1 input file ! generated by MolAuto v1.0 ! modified by hand ! VRML level-of-detail example. title "c-H-Ras p21 protein (1-166), comples with GDP, Mg" plot read mol "ras.pdb"; level-of-detail 60 { push; set segments 2, planecolour red; strand from 2 to 10; strand from 38 to 45; strand from 50 to 57; strand from 77 to 81; strand from 111 to 115; strand from 140 to 143; set segments 4, planecolour green; helix from 15 to 24; helix from 66 to 74; helix from 88 to 103; helix from 126 to 134; helix from 152 to 165; set planecolour yellow; coil from 24 to 38; coil from 57 to 66; set planecolour blue; coil from 1 to 2; turn from 10 to 15; coil from 45 to 50; coil from 74 to 77; coil from 81 to 88; coil from 103 to 111; coil from 115 to 126; coil from 134 to 140; coil from 143 to 152; coil from 165 to 166; pop; } { push; set planecolour red, segments 2, coilradius 0, strandthickness 0; strand from 2 to 10; strand from 38 to 45; strand from 50 to 57; strand from 77 to 81; strand from 111 to 115; strand from 140 to 143; set planecolour green; cylinder from 15 to 24; cylinder from 66 to 74; cylinder from 88 to 103; cylinder from 126 to 134; cylinder from 152 to 165; set planecolour yellow; coil from 24 to 38; coil from 57 to 66; set planecolour blue; coil from 1 to 2; turn from 10 to 15; coil from 45 to 50; coil from 74 to 77; coil from 81 to 88; coil from 103 to 111; coil from 115 to 126; coil from 134 to 140; coil from 143 to 152; coil from 165 to 166; }; set colourparts on; level-of-detail 16 { push; ball-and-stick require not peptide and in residue 17; set linecolour cyan; line position in type MG to position require in residue 17 and atom OG; line position in type MG to position require in type GDP and atom O1B; pop; } { }; ! Don't display Ser 17 interactions at long distance. level-of-detail 20 { push; set specularcolour white, shininess 0.2; ball-and-stick in type GDP; ball-and-stick in type MG; pop; } 30 { push; set specularcolour white, shininess 0.2; ball-and-stick in type GDP; ball-and-stick in type MG; pop; } 50 { bonds in type GDP; bonds require not hydrogens and in type HOH; bonds in type MG; } { }; ! Ligands not visible at long distance. viewpoint "GDP molecule" from position require in type GDP and atom N* to position require in type GDP and atom P* 10; viewpoint "Mg ion" from position in require type HOH and either residue 3 or residue 2 to position in type MG 10; viewpoint "far away" origin position in type GDP 100; end_plot