CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.73
">How to help improve the documentationThere are three ways you can help to improve this documentation. If you find errors in this manual, in any language, please report them using the bug system at http://bugs.php.net/. Classify the bug as "Documentation Problem". You can also submit problems related to specific manual formats here.
By contributing notes, you can provide additional examples, caveats, and clarifications for other readers. But do not submit bug reports using the annotation system please. You can read more about annotations in the 'About user notes' section of this appendix. If you know English and some foreign language, you may also help out in the translations. If you would like to start a new translation, or help in a translation project, please read http://cvs.php.net/co.php/phpdoc/howto/howto.html.tar.gz.