GUM v.1.0.0
Changelog and TODO
- This release is first stable GUM version.
- A better layout
- Devided in to several parts
- New chapters, Gallery, Prepress and colors, Anim Frames i.e gap, Mike Terrys script fu totorial, Fonts install, Compile plug-ins
- Several new Appendix and preface "chapters"
- An index
- A TOC at a glance
- All the filters are now devided in to seperate chapters
- Chages in all chapters minor as well as major (to mutch to doc in the change log)
- Etc.... it's so mutch
- All plug-ins (except script and database) that we could get hold of as of 19/4 is documeted.
- All plug-ins up to Gimp standard Dec 17 1997 have been documented plus some non-standard.
- All chapters improved, proof-read and corrected
- Update on Gimp core behavior
- Better examples and many new images
- Plug-ins chapter is now separated into several chapters
- Many new images and examples in the Image menu chapter
- Many new plug-ins described
- Minor correction in all chapters
- A raw TOC
- GPL license
- New Chapters: What is Gimp, Image menu, Selection menu, Edit menu, Legals. and Writing a Script Fu (thanks to Dov Grobgeld)
- Many new images in nearly all chapters.
- Major and Minor correction is in all chapters
- More plug-ins described.
- Describe SANE interface and other Extensions.
- Write some sort of WOW book for Gimp
- Get some desent sleep
- Fix errors
- Apply more of Eric Galluzzo and Christopher Macgowan proofs
- Update all kinds of stuf on a regular basis
Generated by fmtoweb (v. 2.9c) written by Peter G. Martin <peterm@zeta.org.au> Last modified: 19 May 1998