
Currently some of FOP is being re-written so that the layout can be handled
properly without the problems that have been encountered and to make
it possible to handle keeps/breaks and spacing better.
A number of issues have been dealt with in the redesigned code.
- avalon integration - logging, configuration, component management, caching, uri resolver
- improved interfaces
- no threading/static problems
- simpler to use
- better commandline handling
Many of these changes will make FOP much better to use and develop.
So if you help out with the development you can get to use these
things sooner.
- better layout design - that can handle keeps and
spacing better
- better area tree handling - means it can run in
less memory
- better image handling - redone so it can use a
cache and synchronizes properly only on the current image while loading
- bookmark extension improved a bit - changed bookmark extension,
now requires a wrapping element bookmark
- new interface for structured documents, rtf and mif
- Can have a default element mapping for extensions
- mathml extension
- svg text normal text if that can be handled otherwise stroked
this is done automatically
- new area tree model
- new renderer model