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- ntype(num)
:: Classifier of type num. Returns a sub-type number, an integer, for obj.
- return
- obj
Sub-types for type number are listed below.
- 0
rational number
- 1
floating double (double precision floating point number)
- 2
algebraic number over rational number field
- 3
arbitrary precision floating point number (bigfloat)
- 4
complex number
- 5
element of a finite field
- 6
element of a large finite prime field
- 7
element of a finite field of characteristic 2
When arithmetic operations for numbers are performed,
type coercion will be taken if their number sub-types are different
so that the object having smaller sub-type number will be transformed
to match the other object, except for algebraic numbers.
A number object created by
newalg(x^2+1) and the unit of
imaginary number @i have different number sub-types, and
it is treated independently.
See section Algebraic numbers for algebraic numbers.
[0] [10/37,ntype(10/37)];
[1] [10.0/37.0,ntype(10.0/37.0)];
[2] [newalg(x^2+1)+1,ntype(newalg(x^2+1)+1)];
[3] [eval(sin(@pi/6)),ntype(eval(sin(@pi/6)))];
[4] [@i+1,ntype(@i+1)];
- References
type .
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