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- open_file("filename"[,"mode"])
:: Opens filename for reading.
- close_file(num)
:: Closes the file indicated by a descriptor num.
- get_line([num])
:: Reads a line from the file indicated by a descriptor num.
- get_byte(num)
:: Reads a byte from the file indicated by a descriptor num.
- put_byte(num,c)
:: Writes a byte c to the file indicated by a descriptor num.
- purge_stdin()
- purge_stdin()
:: Clears the buffer for the standard input.
- return
open_file() : integer (fild id); close_file() : 1; get_line() : string; get_byte() , put_byte() : integer
- filename
file (path) name
- mode
- num
non-negative integer (file descriptor)
open_file() opens a file.
If mode is not specified, a file is opened for reading.
If mode is specified, it is used as the mode specification for
C standard I/O function fopen() . For example "w" requests
that the file is truncated to zero length or created for writing.
"a" requests that the file is opened for writing or created
if it does not exist.
The stream pointer is set at the end of the file.
If successful, it returns a non-negative integer as the file descriptor.
Otherwise the system error function is called.
Unnecessary files should be closed by close_file() .
get_line() reads a line from an opened file and returns the
line as a string. If no argument is supplied, it reads a line from the
standard input.
get_byte() reads a byte from an opened file and returns the
it as an integer.
put_byte() writes a byte from an opened file and returns the
the byte as an integer.
- A
get_line() call after reading the end of file returns
an integer 0.
- Strings can be converted into internal forms with string manipulation
functions such as
sub_str() , eval_str() .
purge_stdin() clears the buffer for the standard input.
When a function receives a character string from get_line() ,
this functions should be called in advance in order to avoid
an incorrect behavior which is caused by the characters already
exists in the buffer.
[185] Id = open_file("test");
[186] get_line(Id);
[187] get_line(Id);
[188] get_line(Id);
[189] type(@@);
[190] close_file(Id);
[191] open_file("test");
[192] get_line(1);
[193] get_byte(1);
54 /* the ASCII code of '6' */
[194] get_line(1);
7890 /* the rest of the last line */
[195] def test() { return get_line(); }
[196] def test1() { purge_stdin(); return get_line(); }
[197] test();
/* a remaining newline character has been read */
/* returns immediately */
[198] test1();
123; /* input from a keyboard */
123; /* returned value */
- References
eval_str , section str_len , str_chr , sub_str .
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