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- ox_reset(number)
:: Resets an OpenXM server
- ox_intr(number)
:: Sends
SIGINT to an OpenXM server
- register_handler(func)
:: Registers a function callable on a keyboard interrupt.
- return
- number
integer(process identifier)
- func
functor or 0
ox_reset() resets a process whose identifier is number.
After its execution the process is ready for receiving data.
After executing
ox_reset() , sending/receiving buffers and
stream buffers are assured to be empty.
Even if a process is running, the execution is safely stopped.
ox_reset() may be used prior to a distirbuted computation.
It can be also used to interrupt a distributed computation.
ox_intr() sends SIGINT to a process whose identifier is
number. The action of a server against SIGINT is not
specified in OpenXM. `ox_asir' immediately enters the debug
mode and pops up an window to input debug commands on X window system.
register_handler() registers a function func().
If u is specified on a keybord interrupt, func()
is executed before returning the toplevel.
If ox_reset() calls are included in func(),
one can automatically reset OpenXM servers on a keyboard interrupt.
If func is equal to 0, the setting is reset.
[10] ox_launch();
[11] ox_rpc(0,"fctr",x^100-y^100);
[12] ox_reset(0); /* usr1 : return to toplevel by SIGUSR1 */
1 /* is displayed on the xterm. */
[340] Procs=[ox_launch(),ox_launch()];
[341] def reset() { extern Procs; map(ox_reset,Procs);}
[342] map(ox_rpc,Procs,"fctr",x^100-y^100);
[343] register_handler(reset);
[344] interrupt ?(q/t/c/d/u/w/?) u
Abort this computation? (y or n) y
Calling the registered exception handler...done.
return to toplevel
- References
ox_rpc , ox_cmo_rpc , ox_execute_string
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