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- gr(plist,vlist,order)
- hgr(plist,vlist,order)
- gr_mod(plist,vlist,order,p)
- dgr(plist,vlist,order,procs)
:: Groebner basis computation
- return
- plist, vlist, procs
- order
number, list or matrix
- p
prime less than 2^27
These functions are defined in `gr' in the standard library
They compute a Groebner basis of a polynomial list plist with
respect to the variable order vlist and the order type order.
gr() and hgr() compute a Groebner basis over the rationals
and gr_mod computes over GF(p).
Variables not included in vlist are regarded as
included in the ground field.
gr() uses trace-lifting (an improvement by modular computation)
and sugar strategy.
hgr() uses trace-lifting and a cured sugar strategy
by using homogenization.
dgr() executes gr() , dgr() simultaneously on
two process in a child process list procs and returns
the result obtained first. The results returned from both the process
should be equal, but it is not known in advance which method is faster.
Therefore this function is useful to reduce the actual elapsed time.
The CPU time shown after an exection of
dgr() indicates
that of the master process, and most of the time corresponds to the time
for communication.
[0] load("gr")$
[64] load("cyclic")$
[74] G=gr(cyclic(5),[c0,c1,c2,c3,c4],2);
[75] GM=gr_mod(cyclic(5),[c0,c1,c2,c3,c4],2,31991)$
[76] (G[0]*24628-GM[0])%31991;
- References
dp_gr_main , dp_gr_mod_main ,
section dp_ord .
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