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Greatest common divisors (GCD) over algebraic number fields are computed by cr_gcda() function. This function computes GCD by using modular computation and Chinese remainder theorem and it works for the case where the ground field is a multiple extension.

[63] A=newalg(t^9-15*t^6-87*t^3-125);
[64] B=newalg(75*s^2+(10*A^7-175*A^4-470*A)*s+3*A^8-45*A^5-261*A^2);
[65] P1=75*x^2+(150*B+10*A^7-175*A^4-395*A)*x+(75*B^2+(10*A^7-175*A^4-395*A)*B
[66] P2=x^2+A*x+A^2$
[67] cr_gcda(P1,P2);

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