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- sp_norm(alg,var,poly,alglist)
:: Norm computation over an algebraic number field.
- return
- var
The main variable of poly
- poly
univariate polynomial
- alg
- alglist
root list
Defined in the file `sp'.
Computes the norm of poly with respect to alg.
Namely, if we write
K = Q(alglist \ {alg}),
The function returns a product of all conjugates of poly,
where the conjugate of polynomial poly is a polynomial
in which the algebraic number alg is substituted
for its conjugate over K.
The result is a polynomial over K.
The method of computation depends on the input. Currently
direct computation of resultant and Chinese remainder theorem
are used but the selection is not necessarily optimal.
By setting the global variable
USE_RES to 1, the builtin function
res() is always used.
[0] load("sp")$
[39] A0=newalg(x^2+1)$
[40] A1=newalg(x^2+A0)$
[41] sp_norm(A1,x,x^3+A0*x+A1,[A1,A0]);
[42] sp_norm(A0,x,@@,[A0]);
- Reference
res , section asq , af , af_noalg
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