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Sample file of initialization file for Debugger

As is previously mentioned, Asir reads in the file `$HOME/.dbxinit' at its invocation. This file is originally used to define various initializing commands for dbx debugger, but Asir recognizes only alias lines. For example, by the setting

% cat ~/.dbxinit
alias n next
alias c cont
alias p print
alias s step
alias d delete
alias r run
alias l list
alias q quit

one can use short aliases, e.g., p, c etc., for frequently used commands such as print, cont etc. One can create new aliases in the debug-mode during an execution.

stopped in gennf at line 226 in file "/home/usr3/noro/asir/gr"
226             N = length(V); Len = length(G); dp_ord(O); PS = newvect(Len);
(debug) p V
V = [a,b,c]
(debug) c

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