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- nm(rat)
:: Numerator of rat.
- dn(rat)
:: Denominator of rat.
- return
integer or polynomial
- rat
rational number or rational expression
Numerator and denominator of a given rational expression.
For a rational number, they return its numerator and denominator,
respectively. For a rational expression whose numerator and denominator
may contain rational numbers, they do not separate those rational
coefficients to numerators and denominators.
For a rational number, the denominator is always kept positive, and
the sign is contained in the numerator.
Risa/Asir does not cancel the common divisors unless otherwise explicitly
specified by the user.
nm() and dn() return the numerator and the
denominator as it is, respectively.
[2] [nm(-43/8),dn(-43/8)];
[3] dn((x*z)/(x*y));
[3] dn(red((x*z)/(x*y)));
- References
red .
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