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- eval(obj[,prec])
- deval(obj)
:: Evaluate obj numerically.
- return
number or expression
- obj
general expression
- prec
Evaluates the value of the functions contained in obj as far as
deval returns
double float. Rational numbers remain unchanged in results from eval .
eval the computation is done
by PARI. (See section pari .) In deval the computation is
done by the C math library.
deval cannot handle complex numbers.
When prec is specified, computation will be performed with a
precision of about prec-digits.
If prec is not specified, computation is performed with the
precision set currently. (See section
setprec .)
Currently available numerical functions are listed below.
Note they are only a small part of whole PARI functions.
sin , cos , tan ,
asin , acos , atan ,
sinh , cosh , tanh ,
asinh , acosh , atanh ,
exp , log , pow(a,b) (a^b)
Symbols for special values are as the followings. Note that
@i cannot be handled by deval .
- @i
unit of imaginary number
- @pi
the number pi,
the ratio of circumference to diameter
- @e
Napier's number (exp(1))
[118] eval(exp(@pi*@i));
[119] eval(2^(1/2));
[120] eval(sin(@pi/3));
[121] eval(sin(@pi/3)-3^(1/2)/2,50);
-2.78791084448179148471 E-58
[122] eval(1/2);
[123] deval(sin(1)^2+cos(1)^2);
- References
ctrl , section setprec , section pari .
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