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- umul(p1,p2)
- umul_ff(p1,p2)
:: Fast multiplication of univariate polynomials
- usquare(p1)
- usquare_ff(p1)
:: Fast squaring of a univariate polynomial
- utmul(p1,p2,d)
- utmul_ff(p1,p2,d)
:: Fast multiplication of univariate polynomials with truncation
- return
univariate polynomial
- p1 p2
univariate polynomial
- d
non-negative integer
These functions compute products of univariate polynomials
by selecting an appropriate algorithm depending on the degrees
of inputs.
umul() , usquare() , utmul()
compute products over the integers.
Coefficients in GF(p) are regarded as non-negative integers
less than p.
umul_ff() , usquare_ff() , utmul_ff()
compute products over a finite field. However, if some of
the coefficients of the inputs are integral,
the result may be an integral polynomial. So if one wants
to assure that the result is a polynomial over the finite field,
apply simp_ff() to the inputs.
umul_ff() , usquare_ff() , utmul_ff()
cannot take polynomials over GF(2^n) as their inputs.
umul() , umul_ff() produce p1*p2.
usquare() , usquare_ff() produce p1^2.
utmul() , utmul_ff() produce p1*p2 mod v^(d+1),
where v is the variable of p1, p2.
If the degrees of the inputs are less than or equal to the
value returned by
set_upkara() (set_uptkara() for
utmul , utmul_ff ), usual pencil and paper method is
used. If the degrees of the inputs are less than or equall to
the value returned by set_upfft() , Karatsuba algorithm
is used. If the degrees of the inputs exceed it, a combination
of FFT and Chinese remainder theorem is used.
First of all sufficiently many primes mi
within 1 machine word are prepared.
Then p1*p2 mod mi is computed by FFT for each mi.
Finally they are combined by Chinese remainder theorem.
The functions over finite fields use an improvement by V. Shoup [Shoup] .
[176] load("fff")$
[177] cputime(1)$
[178] setmod_ff(2^160-47);
[179] A=randpoly_ff(100,x)$
[180] B=randpoly_ff(100,x)$
[181] for(I=0;I<100;I++)A*B;
7.77sec + gc : 8.38sec(16.15sec)
[182] for(I=0;I<100;I++)umul(A,B);
2.24sec + gc : 1.52sec(3.767sec)
[183] for(I=0;I<100;I++)umul_ff(A,B);
1.42sec + gc : 0.24sec(1.653sec)
[184] for(I=0;I<100;I++)usquare_ff(A);
1.08sec + gc : 0.21sec(1.297sec)
[185] for(I=0;I<100;I++)utmul_ff(A,B,100);
1.2sec + gc : 0.17sec(1.366sec)
[186] deg(utmul_ff(A,B,100),x);
- References
set_upkara , set_uptkara , set_upfft ,
section kmul , ksquare , ktmul .
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