
section o of routines in global.i

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             file= obasis(filename)  
          or file= openb(filename)  
          or file= openb(filename, clogfile)  
     (If you typed help,openb and are reading this, then consider the  
      latter two forms.  If you typed help,obasis, consider the first.  
      In either case, the original openb function is called basfix_openb.)  
     open the existing file FILENAME for read-only binary I/O.  
     (Use updateb or createb, respectively, to open an existing file  
      with read-write access or to create a new file.)  
     If the CLOGFILE argument is supplied, it represents the structure  
     of FILENAME in the Clog binary data description language.  
     After an openb, the file variable may be used to extract variables  
     from the file as if it were a structure instance.  That is, the  
     expression "file.var" refers to the variable "var" in file "file".  
     A complete list of the variable names present in the file may  
     be obtained using the get_vars function.  If the file contains  
     history records, the jt and jc functions may be used to set the  
     current record -- initially, the first record is current.  
     The restore function may be used to make memory copies of data  
     in the file; this will be faster than a large number of  
     references to "file.var".  

interpreted function, defined at i/basfix.i   line 33  
SEE ALSO: updateb,   createb,   open,   cd,   show,   jt,   jc,  
restore,   get_vars,   get_times,   get_ncycs,  
get_member,   has_records,   set_blocksize,  
dump_clog,   read_clog,   recover_file,  
openb_hooks,   open102,   close102,   get_addrs,  
baset,   baget  




interpreted function, defined at i/test2.i   line 276  

             f= open(filename)  
          or f= open(filename, filemode)  
          or f= open(filename, filemode, errmode)  
     opens the file FILENAME according to FILEMODE (both are strings).  
     If ERRMODE is non-nil and non-zero, fail by returning nil F,  
     otherwise failure to open or create the file is a runtime error.  
     To use ERRMODE to check for the existence of a file:  
        if (open(filename,"r",1)) file_exists;  
	else file_does_not_exist;  
     The return value F is an IOStream (or just stream for short).  When  
     the last reference to this return value is discarded, the file will  
     be closed.  The file can also be explicitly closed with the close  
     function.  The FILEMODE determines whether the file is to be  
     opened in read, write, or update mode, and whether writes are  
     restricted to the end-of-file (append mode).  FILEMODE also  
     determines whether the file is opened as a text file or as a  
     binary file.  FILEMODE can have the following values, which are  
     the same as for the ANSI standard fopen function:  
        "r"     - read only  
        "w"     - write only, random access, existing file overwritten  
	"a"     - write only, forced to end-of-file,  
	        existing file preserved  
	"r+"    - read/write, random access, existing file preserved  
	"w+"    - read/write, random access, existing file overwritten  
	"a+"    - read/write, reads random access,  
	        writes forced to end-of-file, existing file preserved  
	"rb"  "wb"  "ab"  "r+b"  "rb+"  "w+b"  "wb+"  "a+b"  "ab+"  
	        without b means text file, with b means binary file  
     The default FILEMODE is "r" -- open an existing text file for  
     The read and write functions perform I/O on text files.  
     I/O to binary files may be performed explicitly using the save  
     and restore functions, or implicitly by using the stream variable  
     F as if it were a data structure instance (e.g.- f.x refers to  
     variable x in the binary file f).  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1151  
SEE ALSO: create,   close,   read,   write,   rdline,   bookmark,  
backup,   popen,   rename,   remove,   save,   restore  

             file= openb(filename)  
          or file= openb(filename, clogfile)  
     open the existing file FILENAME for read-only binary I/O.  
     (Use updateb or createb, respectively, to open an existing file  
      with read-write access or to create a new file.)  
     If the CLOGFILE argument is supplied, it represents the structure  
     of FILENAME in the Clog binary data description language.  
     After an openb, the file variable may be used to extract variables  
     from the file as if it were a structure instance.  That is, the  
     expression "file.var" refers to the variable "var" in file "file".  
     A complete list of the variable names present in the file may  
     be obtained using the get_vars function.  If the file contains  
     history records, the jt and jc functions may be used to set the  
     current record -- initially, the first record is current.  
     The restore function may be used to make memory copies of data  
     in the file; this will be faster than a large number of  
     references to "file.var".  

interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 1658  
SEE ALSO: updateb,   createb,   open,   cd,   show,   jt,   jc,  
restore,   get_vars,   get_times,   get_ncycs,  
get_member,   has_records,   set_blocksize,  
dump_clog,   read_clog,   recover_file,  
openb_hooks,   open102,   close102,   get_addrs  

             f= openh(filename)  
     sort of properly open a hydra-generated PDB file.  
     Silo (or hydra) botches the Major-Order PDB primitive; the file  
     needs to be opened with open102=1.  
     Unfortunately, some variables (e.g.- iparmn) are written correctly...  
     Presumably meshTV would break if hydra made the mesh array dimensions  
     consistent with the iparmn dimensions, although my guess is it would  
     survive switching Major-Order to 102.  

interpreted function, defined at i/hydra.i   line 86  
SEE ALSO: hydra_xyz,   hydra_data  

     returns a vector of integers describing the dimensions of OBJECT.  
     The format of the vector is [number of dims, origin1, origin2, ...].  
     By default, dimension origins are ignored, but use_origins changes  
     this.  The dimsof function returns the length of each dimension.  
     *** NOTE NOTE NOTE ***  
     Unless use_origins(1) is in effect, orgsof will always return  
     1 for all of the originI in the list.  Thus, whether use_origins(1)  
     is in effect or not, you are guaranteed that x(orgsof(x)(2)) is the  
     first element of x.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 348  
SEE ALSO: dimsof,   typeof,   structof,   numberof,   sizeof,  

             orient3, phi, theta  
          or orient3, phi  
          or orient3, , theta  
          or orient3  
     Set the "orientation" of the object to (PHI,THETA).  "Orientations"  
     are a subset of the possible rotation matrices in which the z-axis  
     of the object appears vertical on the screen (that is, the object  
     z-axis projects onto the viewer y-axis).  The THETA angle is the  
     angle from the viewer y-axis to the object z-axis, positive if  
     the object z-axis is tilted toward you (toward viewer +z).  PHI is  
     zero when the object x-axis coincides with the viewer x-axis.  If  
     neither PHI nor THETA is specified, PHI defaults to -pi/4 and  
     THETA defaults to pi/6.  If only one of PHI or THETA is specified,  
     the other remains unchanged, unless the current THETA is near pi/2,  
     in which case THETA returns to pi/6, or unless the current  
     orientation does not have a vertical z-axis, in which case the  
     unspecified value returns to its default.  
     Unlike rot3, orient3 is not a cumulative operation.  

interpreted function, defined at i/pl3d.i   line 127  
SEE ALSO: rot3,   mov3,   aim3,   save3,   restore3,   light3,  