News | What is IMCom | Download | IMCom's commands | IMCom's advanced capabilities | ChangeLog | Example ~/.imcom/imcomrc file What is IMComIMCom is a command-line Jabber client written in Python. What does IMCom support?IMCom supports the following Jabber technologies:
IMCom supports the following UI stuffs
What does IMCom require?IMCom first and foremost requires a python interpreter which can be obtained at www.python.org. I have tested with Python 2.0 and 2.1. It may work with python 1.x and it may work with Python 2.2, I don't know though. Also, this has only been tested on the linux C Python versions 2.0,2.1. If someone is willing to test on other platforms/version please contact me. IMCom requires the pyexpat or expat module for python. Note that while the windows binary distribution of python includes the expat parser the linux source by default doesn't build in support for expat. You have to edit the Setup file in the Modules subdirectory of the source tree and specify where the expat library and includes are kept. For more information about building python with expat support read the python README and the Modules/Setup.in file from the python source tree. The expat library itself can be found here:
It is highly recommended, but not required, to have the readline module for python installed as well. Readline needs to be
explicitly compiled in under unix. Windows does not ship with readline, but supposedly there is a working implementation here:
http://newcenturycomputers.net/projects/readline.html If you're lazy you can go to ActiveState and get ActivePython which includes everything you need.
http://imcom.floobin.cx Documentation Casey Crabb (crabbkw@rose-hulman.edu) maintains IMCom and enthusiastically accepts bug
reports, especially if they are reproducible. Feature requests are also taken into consideration and potentially added to the
list of things to do. |