IRC Services Manual
Appendix A. List of all configuration directives
A-1. Core configuration directives
A-2. Module configuration directives
Table of Contents
Core configuration directives
Remote server configuration
RemoteServer hostname port password [REQUIRED]
Specifies the remote server hostname and port. The hostname may
either be a standard Internet hostname or dotted-quad numeric
address; the port number must be an integer between 1 and 65535
inclusive. The password is a string which should be enclosed in
double quotes if it contains any spaces (or just for clarity).
Make sure to uncomment the directive (remove the leading "#") before
running Services.
The remote server and port may be overridden at runtime with the
-remote command-line option. The password may not be set at runtime.
Example: RemoteServer 6667 "password"
LocalAddress hostname [port] [OPTIONAL]
Specifies the local address to bind to before connecting to the
remote server. This may be useful on multihomed hosts. The hostname
and port number are specified the same way as with the RemoteServer
directive. If this is not specified, Services will let the operating
system choose the local address. If only a hostname is specified,
Services will bind to that address but let the operating system
choose the local port number.
If you don't know what this means or don't need to use it, just leave
the directive commented out.
Example: LocalAddress host.name.here
Example: LocalAddress host.name.here 6677
Services identification
Unix group and umask to use
RunGroup group [OPTIONAL]
Specify the group which Services should run as. group can be
either a group name or an equals sign ("=") followed by a group ID.
If not specified, Services will use the group ID it is started with.
Note that Unix setgid permission on the executable file will do the
same thing, but the setgid permission bit is cleared whenever the
file is modified, while this setting will always be used (if the
system permits it) when Services is started.
Example: RunGroup services
Example: RunGroup =65534 # A common value for the "nogroup" group
Umask umask [RECOMMENDED]
Sets the umask (file creation mask) for Services. This mask is
applied to all data files created by Services, including database
files (which are recreated on every database update) and the process
ID file (PIDFilename, below), and indicates which file permission
bits are NOT to be set on those files as an octal value. Common
values are given in the examples below. If not specified, the umask
in place when Services is started will be used.
Example: Umask 077 # Disallows access to all but file owner
# (recommended when RunGroup is not set)
Example: Umask 007 # Allows access to members of file group as well
# (recommended when RunGroup is set)
Services data filenames
NOTE: All filenames are relative to the Services data directory.
LogFilename filename [REQUIRED]
Specifies the name of the file into which Services will log data.
May be overridden by the -log command-line option. If this name
contains "%y", "%m", or "%d", they will be replaced by the current
year, month, or day, respectively, and the logfile will be
automatically rotated as needed when the date changes.
Example: LogFilename ircservices.log
PIDFilename filename [REQUIRED]
Specifies the name of the file containing Services' process ID.
Note that if you change this filename, and you are using the
"ircservices-chk" crontab script provided with Services, you will
need to change the filename in that file as well.
Example: PIDFilename ircservices.pid
LockFilename filename [REQUIRED]
Specifies the name of the data directory lock file. This file is
created in the data directory when Services begins updating
databases, and is removed after the databases are updated. If the
file already exists when Services tries to update the databases,
Services sends a warning (via wallops) and does not write any data.
Example: LockFilename .lock
Basic functionality
NoBouncyModes [OPTIONAL]
Normally, Services will check for the remote IRC server reversing its
mode changes, and issue a warning (and stop changing modes) if it
detects such a problem. However, the detection will sometimes
trigger even when there is no problem, thus preventing channel
mode-locks and other features from working. If you specify this
directive, Services will not check for mode bouncing, which can avoid
this problem if you know your servers are set up correctly.
WARNING: setting this option when your servers are incorrectly
configured can result in flooding!
Example: NoBouncyModes
NoSplitRecovery [OPTIONAL]
Disables Services' recognition of users returning from netsplits.
Normally (on networks with some sort of timestamp support in the IRC
server), Services will check via the timestamp field whether a user
is the same as the last user who identified for the nick, and allow
the user access to that nick without requiring identification again
if the timestamps match. Enabling this directive will force all
users to re-identify after a netsplit.
Normally, it's easier on users to leave this disabled, but if you
suspect one of your servers has been hacked to send false timestamps
(or you suspect a bug in Services itself) enabling this directive
will eliminate the possibility of one user "stealing" another's nick
by pretending to have the same timestamp.
You may also want to uncomment this directive if your servers' clocks
are very far apart; the less synchronized the servers' clocks are,
the greater the possibility of someone "taking over" another person's
nick when a server with a fast clock splits.
NOTE: On DALnet 4.4.15+, Dreamforge, Bahamut and compatible networks,
Services takes advantage of an IRC server feature to assign each user
a permanent ID number, which enhances the security of this check; on
such networks, you should almost always leave this directive
commented out.
Example: NoSplitRecovery
StrictPasswords [RECOMMENDED]
When enabled, causes Services to perform more stringent checks on
passwords. If this is disabled, Services will only disallow a
password if it is the same as the entity (nickname or channel name)
with which it is associated. When enabled, however, Services will
also check that the password is at least five characters long, and
in the future will probably check other things as well.
Example: StrictPasswords
BadPassLimit count [RECOMMENDED]
Sets the number of invalid password tries before Services removes a
user from the network. If a user enters count invalid passwords
for any Services function or combination of functions during a
single IRC session (subject to BadPassTimeout, below), Services will
issue a /KILL for the user. If not given, Services will ignore
failed password attempts (though they will be logged in any case).
Note that entering a correct password will not reset this count.
Example: BadPassLimit 5
BadPassTimeout time [OPTIONAL]
Sets the time after which invalid passwords are forgotten about. If
a user does not enter any incorrect passwords in this amount of time,
the incorrect password count will reset to zero. If not given, the
timeout will be disabled, and the incorrect password count will never
be reset until the user disconnects.
Example: BadPassTimeout 1h
BadPassWarning count [RECOMMENDED]
Sets the number of bad passwords for a single nick or channel that
will be accepted before a warning is sent using WALLOPS/GLOBOPS. If
not given, no warnings will be sent.
Example: BadPassWarning 5
ReadTimeout seconds [REQUIRED]
Sets the timeout period for reading from the network; this is the
length of time Services will wait to receive data from an external
source if none is available before proceeding with other actions,
such as timeout checking. Note that the parameter is a number of
seconds, not a "time"; it may also include a fractional part, such as
This value also influences the period between timeout checks; see the
TimeoutCheck directive below.
Example: ReadTimeout 3
TimeoutCheck seconds [REQUIRED]
Sets the (maximum) frequency at which the timeout list is checked.
This, combined with ReadTimeout above, determine how accurately timed
events, such as nick kills, occur; it also determines how much CPU
time Services will use doing this. Higher values will cause less
accurate timing but less CPU usage. Note that the parameter is a
number of seconds, not a "time", and may include a fractional part.
This shouldn't be set any higher than 10 seconds, and 1 second or
less is best if your system is powerful enough (or your network small
enough) to handle it. 0 will cause the timeout list to be checked
every time through the main loop, which provides the most accurate
timeout response but may require too much processing on large
Note that if this value is smaller than ReadTimeout (above), then the
delay between checks of the timeout list may exceed the value given
here during periods of little or no network activity.
Example: TimeoutCheck 1.0
PingFrequency time [OPTIONAL]
Sets the time after which Services sends a PING message to its uplink
if no other network activity has occurred. This can be useful if you
have a low-activity network and your server keeps dropping Services'
connection with "Ping timeout". If not set, Services will not send
PING messages.
Example: PingFrequency 30s
MergeChannelModes seconds [OPTIONAL]
WARNING: This directive can have security implications; read
carefully before enabling.
If this directive is given, it causes Services to not send out
channel mode changes immediately, but to wait for the given number of
seconds (which may be fractional) and collect all channel modes to
send in a single command. For example, if two users enter a channel
at nearly the same time and both of them are to be opped, instead of
sending two MODE +o commands, Services will send a single MODE +oo
command. This option can help with large channels in reducing mode
floods, particularly when Services first connects or a server
reconnects after a split; however, the sending of the mode command
will be slightly delayed, so that the users will have to wait a short
time before getting chanop privileges. Furthermore, since this
increases the time before deops, etc. occur, users can take advantage
of netsplits to "steal ops" for a short time before Services responds.
Services will never send out more than six parameters with each MODE
command (this limit is part of the IRC protocol specification). If
more than six +o, +v, etc. modes are to be sent, Services will send
them out six at a time without waiting for the timeout given with
this directive. Also, if more than MERGE_CHANMODE_SLOTS (defined in
config.h; default 3) channels receive modes before the timeout
expires, those modes will similarly be sent out at that time.
Note that the actual sending of the MODE command may be delayed by as
much as the TimeoutCheck value; if you use this option, then in
general you should set TimeoutCheck to the same (or a smaller) value.
Also, on networks with little traffic there may be an additional
delay up to the value of ReadTimeout before the modes are sent.
If this option is not set, Services will still collect all mode changes
resulting from a single event (such as a user joining a channel) and
send them in a single message as soon as the event processing finishes.
Example: MergeChannelModes 0.5
NetBufferSize total-size [per-connection-size] [RECOMMENDED]
Sets the maximum amount of memory used by network connection buffers.
If a second parameter is given, it sets the maximum amount of memory
used by a single connection; if not given, this defaults to the same
as the total limit.
Example: NetBufferSize 4194304 1048576 # 4MB and 1MB
NetBufferLimit inactive-limit [ignore-limit] [RECOMMENDED]
Sets the threshold at which Services sends a "busy" reply to PRIVMSGs
(inactive-limit) and at which Services ignores PRIVMSGs entirely
(ignore-limit). Both thresholds apply to non-operator users only;
PRIVMSGs from IRC operators will always be processed normally. A
WALLOPS/GLOBOPS message will be sent when Services exceeds or drops
below either of the thresholds. If the thresholds are set to the
same value, "busy" messages will never be sent.
The thresholds are expressed as percentages of the value(s) given for
NetBufferSize above. If both a total size limit and a per-connection
size limit are specified, the higher of the two percentages is
checked against these thresholds.
If NetBufferSize is not specified, NetBufferLimit has no effect.
Example: NetBufferLimit 80 95
Miscellaneous settings
These are settings which don't belong anywhere else, or which would
be module settings but apply to multiple modules.
GuestNickPrefix value [REQUIRED]
Sets the nickname prefix used when Services changes a user's
nickname (for example, from the "NSForceNickChange" NickServ option).
A unique series of digits will be appended to this string to form the
new nickname. This option is ignored for IRC servers which do not
allow remote clients' nicknames to be forcibly changed, but it must
be set to something anyway.
Example: GuestNickPrefix "Guest"
DefTimeZone time-zone [OPTIONAL]
Sets the time zone to be used for displaying the time of day with
certain commands, such as NickServ INFO. If not given, the system's
default time zone (the value of the TZ environment variable) is used.
time-zone is the name of the time zone to be used; consult your
system manual for how time zone names are specified on your system.
Note that users can set time zones for their own nicknames
independently; this setting is only used as a default. The
following example will cause Services to use United States Pacific
time on most systems:
Example: DefTimeZone PST8PDT
Modules to load
Back to top
Module configuration directives
Protocol module settings
Enter the protocol name here, then uncomment the appropriate directives.
protocol/(insert protocol name here)
NetworkDomain domain [RECOMMENDED]
Protocols: bahamut, dalnet, dreamforge, monkey, rfc1459, trircd,
ts8, undernet-p9
Specifies the common domain, if any, shared by all servers on
your IRC network; this is required for global notices to function
properly. Make sure you do not include a "." before the domain
name. If you do not specify this, some or all users may not
receive global notices.
Example: NetworkDomain "example.net"
CSSetChannelTime [OPTIONAL]
Protocols: bahamut, monkey, unreal
When enabled, causes Services to set the "creation time" (the
time at which the first user joined the channel) of a registered
channel to the time at which the channel was registered. This
can help prevent spurious mode changes and "op hacking" when a
split server reconnects to the network. When using Unreal,
however, the first user to join the channel when it is empty gets
set -o and +o in quick succession due to limitations of the IRC
server; if this bothers you, do not enable this option. Also, some
servers (such as Bahamut) generate server notices each time a
channel's timestamp is changed, which can be safely ignored.
Example: CSSetChannelTime
ServerNumeric numeric [RECOMMENDED]
Protocols: unreal
Makes Services send a numeric to the remote server on connect.
This must be a value between 1 and 254, and must not be in use by
any other IRC server on the network. If you do not want to use a
numeric for Services, comment the directive out.
Example: ServerNumeric 1
SetServerTimes [time] [RECOMMENDED]
Protocols: unreal
Causes Services to synchronize all servers' internal clocks with
its own; this can help avoid potential problems with users
improperly gaining chanops, particularly during netsplits. If a
time parameter is given, Services will repeatedly synchronize the
servers clocks at that interval, otherwise synchronization will
only be performed at startup.
Example: SetServerTimes
Example: SetServerTimes 12h
Mail module configuration
mail/sendmail (Sendmail-based low-level module)
SendmailPath path [REQUIRED]
Specifies the full path to the "sendmail" program to be used to
send mail. This program must accept a command-line option "-t"
to extract recipient addresses from a mail message given on
standard input (the standard "sendmail" program does this).
The program will be executed with the same environment as
Services itself is run with.
Example: SendmailPath /usr/lib/sendmail
mail/smtp (SMTP-based low-level module)
RelayHost hostname [REQUIRED]
Specifies the host to which all mail will be sent, e.g. your
local mail server.
Example: RelayHost mail.example.net
SMTPName hostname [REQUIRED]
Specifies the hostname Services will use in the HELO command to
the remote server. Normally, this should be set to the same as
the hostname of the machine Services runs on.
Example: SMTPName services.example.net
OperServ configuration
GlobalName nick string [REQUIRED]
Specifies the nickname (first parameter) and "real" name (second
parameter) used by the global-noticer pseudoclient. This client
is used to send messages from the OperServ GLOBAL command and
news messages.
Example: GlobalName "Global" "Global Noticer"
OperServDB name [REQUIRED]
Specifies the name of the OperServ database. When using the
standard database module, this is the name of the file in which
the data is stored.
Example: OperServDB "oper.db"
ServicesRoot nick [REQUIRED]
Specifies the Services "super-user". The super-user, or "root" as
in Unix terminology, is the only user who can add or delete
Services admins.
This is commented out by default; make sure you insert the correct
nick before uncommenting it.
Example: ServicesRoot SuperUser
KillClonesAutokill expiry-time [RECOMMENDED]
Causes Services to add an autokill for hosts killed using the
KILLCLONES command, to prevent the clients from immediately
reconnecting. The expiry-time parameter sets the expiry time for
the autokill.
If the autokill module (operserv/akill) is not loaded, this
directive has no effect.
Example: KillClonesAutokill 30m
WallOSChannel [OPTIONAL]
Cause Services to send a WALLOPS/GLOBOPS on use of any of the
Example: WallOSChannel
operserv/akill (Autokill module settings)
AutokillDB name [REQUIRED]
Specifies the name of the autokill database. When using the
standard database module, this is the name of the file in which
the data is stored.
Example: AutokillDB "akill.db"
AutokillReason reason [REQUIRED]
The reason to use when sending out KILLs for autokills and with
the actual AKILL/GLINE commands. Some servers show this reason
to users if their connection is rejected because they match an
autokill. If you include a "%s" in the reason, it will be
replaced by the reason given with the autokill itself.
Example: AutokillReason "You are banned from this network"
Example: AutokillReason "Autokilled: %s"
AutokillExpiry time [RECOMMENDED]
Sets the default expiry time for autokills. If not defined,
autokills will not expire by default.
Example: AutokillExpiry 30d
OperMaxExpiry time [OPTIONAL]
Sets the maximum expiry time usable by Services operators. If
not defined, Services operators can set any expiry time, just as
Services administrators can. If this is set to a value lower
than AutokillExpiry, autokills entered without an expiry time
will use this setting instead of AutokillExpiry.
Example: OperMaxExpiry 7d
EnableExclude [OPTIONAL]
Causes autokill exclusions to be usable. If not given, the
EXCLUDE command will be unavailable, and any autokill
exclusions previously added will be ignored.
NOTICE: On IRC servers without autokill exclusion functionality
(such as that in trircd version 5), this will cause autokills to
not be sent to the server; instead, Services will issue a KILL
for each user that matches an autokill and does not match any
autokill exclusions. This is necessary to allow Services to
apply exclusions to users before they are disconnected.
Example: EnableExclude
ExcludeReason reason [REQUIRED if EnableExclude set]
The reason to use when sending out EXCLUDE commands on servers
which support them. If you include a "%s" in the reason, it will
be replaced by the reason given with the exclusion itself.
Example: ExcludeReason "IRC operator host"
Example: ExcludeReason "Excluded from autokills: %s"
ExcludeExpiry time [OPTIONAL]
Sets the default expiry time for autokill exclusions. If not
defined, autokill exclusions will not expire by default.
Example: ExcludeExpiry 30d
ImmediatelySendAutokill [OPTIONAL]
Causes OperServ to inform all servers of a new autokill or
autokill exclusion the moment it is added, rather than waiting
for someone to match it first.
Example: ImmediatelySendAutokill
operserv/news (News module settings)
NewsDB name [REQUIRED]
Specifies the name of the news database. When using the standard
database module, this is the name of the file in which the data
is stored.
Example: NewsDB "news.db"
operserv/sessions (Sessions module settings)
ExceptionDB name [REQUIRED]
Specifies the name of the exception database. When using the
standard database module, this is the name of the file in which
the data is stored.
Example: ExceptionDB "exception.db"
DefSessionLimit limit [RECOMMENDED]
Default session limit per host. Once a host reaches its session
limit, all clients attempting to connect from that host will be
killed. A value of zero (or omitting the option entirely) means
an unlimited session limit.
Example: DefSessionLimit 3
ExceptionExpiry time [RECOMMENDED]
Sets the default expiry time for exceptions. If not set,
exceptions will not expire by default.
Example: ExceptionExpiry 1d
SessionLimitExceeded message [OPTIONAL]
The message that will be NOTICE'd to a user just before they are
removed from the network because their host's session limit has
been exceeded. It may be used to give a slightly more
descriptive reason for the impending kill as opposed to simply
"Session limit exceeded". If this is commented out, nothing will
be sent.
Example: SessionLimitExceeded "The session limit for your host %s has been exceeded."
SessionLimitDetailsLoc message [OPTIONAL]
Same as above, but should be used to provide a website address
where users can find out more about session limits and how to go
about applying for an exception. If this is commented out,
nothing will be sent.
This option has been intentionally commented out in an effort to
remind you to change the URL it contains. It is recommended that
you supply an address/URL where people can get help regarding
session limits.
Example: SessionLimitDetailsLoc "Please visit http://your.website.url/ for more information about session limits."
SessionLimitAutokill max-kill-interval num-kills expiry reason [OPTIONAL]
With this option, Services will add an automatic autokill when
the same host's session limit is exceeded repeatedly in a short
period of time. If not given, autokills will not be
automatically added (Services will just keep killing users from
the host as they come on). Note that the autokill module
(operserv/akill) must be loaded for this to work.
max-kill-interval sets the maximum interval which can elapse
between kills before the kill counter is reset.
num-kills sets the number of kills before an autokill is added.
expiry sets the expiration time for the autokill.
reason sets the reason for the autokill.
Example: SessionLimitAutokill 10s 5 30m "Exceeding session limit"
operserv/sline (S-line module settings)
SlineDB name [REQUIRED]
Specifies the name of the S-line database. When using the
standard database module, this is the name of the file in which
the data is stored.
Example: SlineDB "sline.db"
SGlineReason reason [REQUIRED]
The reason to use when sending out KILLs and SGLINE commands.
Some servers show this reason to users if their connection is
rejected because they match an SGline. If you include a "%s"
in the reason, it will be replaced by the reason given with the
SGline entry itself.
Example: SGlineReason "Invalid real name"
#SGlineReason "Invalid real name: %s"
SQlineReason reason [REQUIRED]
The reason to use when sending out KILLs and SQLINE commands.
Some servers show this reason to users if their connection is
rejected because they match an SQline. If you include a "%s"
in the reason, it will be replaced by the reason given with the
SQline entry itself.
Example: SQlineReason "Reserved nickname"
#SQlineReason "Reserved nickname: %s"
SZlineReason reason [REQUIRED]
The reason to use when sending out KILLs and SZLINE commands.
Some servers show this reason to users if their connection is
rejected because they match an SZline. If you include a "%s"
in the reason, it will be replaced by the reason given with the
SZline entry itself.
Example: SZlineReason "You are banned from this network"
Example: SZlineReason "Z-lined: %s"
ImmediatelySendSline [OPTIONAL]
Causes OperServ to inform all servers of a new S-line the moment
it is added, rather than waiting for someone to match it first.
Example: ImmediatelySendSline
SGlineExpiry time [OPTIONAL]
Sets the default expiry time for SGlines. If not defined,
SGlines of that type will not expire by default.
Example: SGlineExpiry 30d
SQlineExpiry time [OPTIONAL]
Sets the default expiry time for SQlines. If not defined,
SQlines of that type will not expire by default.
Example: SQlineExpiry 30d
SZlineExpiry time [OPTIONAL]
Sets the default expiry time for SZlines. If not defined,
SZlines of that type will not expire by default.
Example: SZlineExpiry 30d
Normally, users whose nickname matches an SQline will have their
nickname changed (on servers which support forced nickname
changing) instead of being killed. Setting this option causes
such users to be killed even on such servers, which may be
helpful for dealing with clone attacks.
Note that if this option is set, Services will not send SQlines
to the IRC network; if it did, the IRC servers would step in and
send the user an "invalid nickname" message before Services had a
chance to kill the user.
Example: SQlineKill
NickServ configuration
NickServDB name [REQUIRED]
Specifies the name of the nickname database. When using the
standard database module, this is the name of the file in which
the data is stored.
Example: NickServDB "nick.db"
NSEnableRegister [OPTIONAL]
Allows the REGISTER command to be used. This is usually a good
thing, but if you don't want your users to be able to register
nicknames, remove (or comment out) this directive. Note that you
will need to at least enable this to register the Services
super-user nick (defined in the operserv/main ServicesRoot
directive), or you will not be able to use any privileged
OperServ functions!
Example: NSEnableRegister
NSRegEmailMax count [OPTIONAL]
Sets the maximum number of nicknames that can be registered to a
single E-mail address; this affects both ordinary registration as
well as changing the address using SET EMAIL, and also nickname
linking (if the appropriate module module is loaded). If not
given, there is no limit.
This option is most useful in combination with NSRequireEmail,
Example: NSRegEmailMax 20
NSRequireEmail [OPTIONAL]
Makes an E-mail address required at registration time. Users
also will not be able to clear the address once registered,
though they can change it. If not set, an E-mail address is not
required (but may still be given), and the address may be cleared
later on.
Example: NSRequireEmail
Sets the minimum length of time between consecutive uses of the
REGISTER command. If not given, this restriction is disabled.
WARNING: Not setting NSRegDelay, or setting it too low, will not
only allow "registration flooding", but, if the
mail-auth module is also loaded, will also allow users
to abuse this command to send large quantities of mail
(mailbombs) to arbitrary users!
Example: NSRegDelay 5m
Sets the default options for newly registered nicks. Note that
changing these options will have no effect on nicks which are
already registered. Options not listed here will be unset on new
If both NSDefKill and NSDefKillQuick are given, NSDefKillQuick
takes precedence. KILL IMMED cannot be specified as a default.
Example: NSDefKill
Example: NSDefKillQuick
Example: NSDefSecure
Example: NSDefPrivate
Example: NSDefHideEmail
Example: NSDefHideUsermask
Example: NSDefHideQuit
Example: NSDefMemoSignon
Example: NSDefMemoReceive
NSExpireWarning time [OPTIONAL]
Sets the length of time before nick expiration during which
warnings are sent to the user when the user is online (and not
identified). If not set, no warnings will be sent; however, a
message will still be sent when the nickname actually expires.
Example: NSExpireWarning 3d
NSSuspendExpire time grace-period [RECOMMENDED]
Sets the default expiry time and recovery grace period for
nickname suspensions. (The expiry time can be set individually
for each suspension; the grace period cannot.)
The recovery grace period is the length of time a nick must exist
for, after being unsuspended, before it is allowed to expire.
This gives the owner a chance to reclaim the nick. It is
enforced, if necessary, by adjusting the "last seen time" value
when the nick is unsuspended. If set to zero, nicknames that are
suspended for longer than "NSExpire" will be expired (dropped)
during the next check for nickname expiration, giving the owners
very little time to identify for their nicknames and prevent
their expiry.
If not specified, nickname suspensions will not expire by
default, and there will be no grace period for recovering the nick.
Example: NSSuspendExpire 25d 5d
NSEnforcerUser user[@host] [REQUIRED]
Sets the username (and possibly hostname) used for the fake user
created when NickServ collides a user. Should be in user@host
format. If the host is not given, the one from ServicesUser is
Example: NSEnforcerUser enforcer
Example: NSEnforcerUser enforcer@localhost.net
NSForceNickChange [OPTIONAL]
When enabled, makes NickServ change a user's nick to a
"Guest######" nick instead of killing them when enforcing a
"nick kill". (The actual nickname used is determined by the
GuestNickPrefix setting in ircservices.conf.)
This setting has no effect with IRC servers that do not support
forcibly changing a client's nickname, and a warning will be
written to the log file if this option is used in such a case.
Example: NSForceNickChange
NSAllowKillImmed [OPTIONAL]
When given, allows the use of the IMMED option with the NickServ
SET KILL command.
Example: NSAllowKillImmed
When enabled, prevents the use of the DROP, GETPASS, and SET
PASSWORD commands by Services admins on other Services admins or
the Services root.
Example: NSSecureAdmins
nickserv/access (Access list module)
NSFirstAccessEnable [OPTIONAL]
When enabled, causes an access entry based on the registering
user's username and hostname to be automatically added to the
access list of a newly-registered nickname. When disabled,
newly-registered nicknames will have an empty access list.
Example: NSFirstAccessEnable
NSFirstAccessWild [OPTIONAL]
When enabled, causes the first access list entry added to a newly
registered nickname to use a wildcard in the hostname when
appropriate. When disabled, the first access list entry consists
of the registering user's username and hostname as-is, without
wildcards. This directive has no effect if NSFirstAccessEnable
is disabled.
Example: NSFirstAccessWild
nickserv/autojoin (Autojoin module)
NSAutojoinMax count [REQUIRED]
Sets the maximum number of entries allowed on an autojoin list.
There is little point in setting this higher than the maximum
number of channels a client is allowed to join by the server
(usually 10).
Example: NSAutojoinMax 10
nickserv/link (Link module)
nickserv/mail-auth (Authorization module)
NSNoAuthExpire time [OPTIONAL]
Sets the period of time after which a newly registered nickname
will expire if it is not authorized. If not specified, the
standard nickname expiration time (NSExpire) is used.
Example: NSNoAuthExpire 12h
NSSendauthDelay time [RECOMMENDED]
Sets the minimum length of time between consecutive uses of the
SENDAUTH command for the same nick group. If not specified, this
restriction is disabled.
WARNING: Not setting NSSendauthDelay, or setting it too low, will
allow users to abuse this command to send large
quantities of mail (mailbombs) to arbitrary users!
Example: NSSendauthDelay 1d
nickserv/sendpass (SENDPASS module)
NSSendpassDelay time [RECOMMENDED]
Sets the minimum length of time between consecutive uses of the
SENDPASS command for the same nick group. If not specified, this
restriction is disabled.
WARNING: Not setting NSSendpassDelay, or setting it too low, will
allow users to abuse this command to send large
quantities of mail (mailbombs) to arbitrary users!
Example: NSSendpassDelay 1d
ChanServ configuration
ChanServDB name [REQUIRED]
Specifies the name of the channel database. When using the
standard database module, this is the name of the file in which
the data is stored.
Example: ChanServDB "chan.db"
CSEnableRegister [OPTIONAL]
Allows the REGISTER command to be used. This is usually a good
thing, but if you don't want your users to be able to register
channels, remove (or comment out) this directive. Note, however,
that Services administrators and the Services super-user will
still be able to use the REGISTER command even if this directive
is not given.
Example: CSEnableRegister
Sets the default options for newly registered channels. Note
that changing these options will have no effect on channels which
are already registered. Options not listed here will be unset on
new channels.
Example: CSDefKeepTopic
Example: CSDefSecureOps
Example: CSDefPrivate
Example: CSDefTopicLock
Example: CSDefLeaveOps
Example: CSDefSecure
Example: CSDefOpNotice
Example: CSDefEnforce
Example: CSDefHideEmail
Example: CSDefHideTopic
Example: CSDefHideMlock
CSSuspendExpire time [RECOMMENDED]
Sets the default expiry time and recovery grace period for channel
suspensions. If not set, channel suspensions will not expire by
default and there will be no recovery grace period.
Example: CSSuspendExpire 12d 2d
CSAccessMax count [REQUIRED]
Sets the maximum number of entries on a channel's access list.
Channel access lists may contain only registered nicknames;
therefore, checking each entry on the list requires only a single
scalar comparison instead of a wildcard match, and this limit may be
safely set much higher than (for example) the nickname access list
size limit without impacting performance significantly.
Example: CSAccessMax 1024
CSRestrictDelay time [OPTIONAL]
When enabled, causes ChanServ to permit users to join channels
with the RESTRICTED option set if they would be permitted to join
after identifying for their nick, and to not remove mode +o (ops)
from users who would be auto-opped if identified for their nick,
for the given period of time after Services starts up. This gives
such users time to identify to NickServ before being kicked out of
restricted channels or getting deopped.
Example: CSRestrictDelay 15s
CSForbidShortChannel [OPTIONAL]
When enabled, treats the channel "#" as a forbidden channel, not
allowing any users to join it. When not enabled, the channel "#"
can be used normally, although ChanServ functions cannot be used
with it.
Example: CSForbidShortChannel
chanserv/sendpass (SENDPASS module)
CSSendpassDelay time [RECOMMENDED]
Sets the period of time which must elapse between SENDPASS
commands for the same channel. If not specified, the SENDPASS
command may be used at any time.
NOTE: Since users can only send passwords to nicks they have
identified for, the potential for E-mail attacks via this
command is minimal; however, setting this limit too low (or
not setting it at all) can allow users to slow down
Services through frequent SENDPASS requests.
Example: CSSendpassDelay 1h
MemoServ configuration
MSMaxMemos count [RECOMMENDED]
Sets the maximum number of memos a user is allowed to keep by
default. Normal users may set the limit anywhere between zero
and this value; Services admins can change it to any value or
disable it. If not given, the limit is disabled by default, and
normal users can set any limit they want.
Example: MSMaxMemos 20
MSExpireUnread [OPTIONAL]
If specified, unread memos will be expired after the delay given
in the MSExpire directive just like other memos; normally, unread
memos do not expire. If MSExpire is not set, this directive is
Example: MSExpireUnread
Should we notify all appropriate users of a new memo? This
applies in cases where a memo is sent to a nick which has other
nicks linked to it and multiple users are using two or more of
the linked nicks. Enabling this option will cause MemoServ to
check all users who are currently online to see whether any have
nicks which are linked to the target of the memo, and if so,
notify all of them. This can take a good deal of CPU time on
larger networks, so you may want to disable it.
Example: MSNotifyAll
memoserv/forward (FORWARD module)
MSAllowForward [OPTIONAL]
If given, allows the FORWARD command to be used (the SET FORWARD
command is always available). While the FORWARD command can be
useful particularly for users first setting the FORWARD option
on, a large number of users using the FORWARD ALL command can
place a significant load on Services.
Example: MSAllowForward
MSForwardDelay time [RECOMMENDED if MSAllowForward is set]
Sets the minimum length of time between consecutive uses of the
FORWARD command. If not given, this restriction is disabled.
(Note that this can allow users to place a significant load on
Services and/or your mail server!)
If MSAllowForward is not set, this directive is ignored.
Example: MSForwardDelay 10s
memoserv/ignore (IGNORE module)
StatServ configuration
StatServDB name [REQUIRED]
Specifies the name of the StatServ database. When using the
standard database module, this is the name of the file in which
the data is stored.
Example: StatServDB "stats.db"
HTTP server modules
ListenTo address:port [REQUIRED]
Specifies the address and port number on which the HTTP server
will listen for incoming requests. address may be specified as
an IP address (first example below), a hostname (second example),
or the special string "*", which means "any IP address" (third
When a hostname is given, as in the second example below,
Services will look up the address(es) associated with the
hostname at startup time, and bind to every IP address found.
This can be useful, for example, with dynamic DNS, in which
the server's IP address changes periodically; however, the
hostname lookup can take time—especially if there is no DNS
server on the local network—and is susceptible to network or
DNS server outages, so IP addresses or "*" should be used
whenever possible.
Example: ListenTo
Example: ListenTo services.example.net:8080
Example: ListenTo *:80
ListenBacklog [REQUIRED]
Specifies the maximum number of connections that can be received
by the operating system without being accepted by Services (the
second parameter, `backlog', to the listen() system call). If
you start seeing refused or delayed connections on a busy server,
try increasing this value.
If you don't understand the above, leave this setting alone.
Example: ListenBacklog 5
RequestBufferSize bytes [REQUIRED]
Specifies the size of the buffer allocated for each HTTP request.
Note that this buffer is allocated for every connection, and an
additional amount of memory will be allocated for header pointers
(in the pathological case this extra amount could reach 4/3 of
the value given for this directive). If a client sends a request
(including POST data) exceeding this value, an error will be
returned and the connection terminated.
If you don't understand the above, leave this setting alone.
Example: RequestBufferSize 4096
MaxConnections count [RECOMMENDED]
Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed.
If not given, no limit is placed on the number of connections;
however, the operating system may impose its own limits, which
are not under the control of Services.
Example: MaxConnections 10
MaxRequests count [RECOMMENDED]
Specifies the maximum number of requests that can be made over a
single connection before the server disconnects it. If not
given, no limit is placed on the number of requests per
connection; note that this may allow malicious users to interfere
with Services' normal operations by sending large numbers of
requests over a single connection.
Example: MaxRequests 20
httpd/auth-ip (IP address authorization module)
AllowHost path address [OPTIONAL]
DenyHost path address [OPTIONAL]
Specifies which hosts will be allowed (or not allowed) to access
resources provided by the HTTP server. The path parameter is a
URL path (not including the "http://host.name"), and matches any
URL which begins with the same string; for example, "/dir"
matches both "/dir/file" and "/dirty". The address can be an
IP address, a hostname (as with ListenTo in the main server
module, all addresses associated with the hostname will be
allowed or denied), the string "*" (which means all addresses),
or the special format "IP-address/mask", where mask is an
integer from 1 to 31 giving the number of bits in the subnet
address, which indicates that the entire subnet of addressess
specified should be allowed or denied; for example,
"" represents the range of addresses from to
Directive | Meaning
AllowHost /debug
| Allow all requests from localhost to the debug page
| AllowHost /
| Allow any host in the 192.168.0.* network access to the entire server
| DenyHost / shell.example.org
| Deny connections from any address associated with shell.example.org
Multiple AllowHost or DenyHost directives for the same path may
be used to specify multiple addresses to allow or deny. Each
condition will be checked in the order they are listed here, and
the first matching one will be used. For example, these lines:
AllowHost /
DenyHost /
deny access to all hosts in the 192.168.0.* network except However, the reverse:
DenyHost /
AllowHost /
simply blocks all hosts in the 192.168.0.* network, since the
first rule matches and the second is never checked.
Access to the entire server can be allowed or denied by using the
path "/", which matches every URL (since all URLs begin with a
slash). It is good practice to include such a rule after all
others to explicitly indicate what should be done with requests
that do not match any other rule. (If a request does not match
any rules at all, it is implicitly allowed, but this behavior may
change in the future and should not be relied on.) For example:
AllowHost / *
DenyHost / *
WARNING: Hostnames are resolved only once at startup; any changes
in a host's IP address will not be seen by Services.
Note: These directives are listed as "optional" only because the
module will still load even if no directives are listed;
however, unless AllowHost/DenyHost directives are given,
the module will not have any effect.
Example: AllowHost / *
httpd/auth-password (Password authorization module)
Protect path user:pass [OPTIONAL]
Sets the URLs (paths) which will be protected by password
authorization, and the username and password for each path. The
username and password can be different for each path. The path
given will match any URL beginning with that string, as with the
auth-ip module.
Protect /debug "debug:debug"
Protect /~ "nickuser:nickpass"
Note: This directive is listed as "optional" only because the
module will still load even if no directives are listed;
however, unless Protect directives are given, the module
will not have any effect. Use a path of "/" to apply
password protection to the entire server.
httpd/dbaccess (Database access module)
NOTICE: This module allows complete access to all Services data;
be certain to protect it from unauthorized access using
authorization modules or other means.
Prefix path [REQUIRED]
Sets the URL (path) at which database access will be accessible.
If this does not end with a slash, one will be appended
automatically. Access is provided using the following directory
| Main menu
| path/operserv/
| OperServ data and menu
| path/operserv/akill/
| Autokill list
| path/operserv/news/
| News item list
| path/operserv/sessions/
| Session and exception lists
| path/operserv/sline/
| S-line lists
| path/nickserv/
| Nickname list and information
| path/chanserv/
| Channel list and information
| path/statserv/
| Network statistics
| XML-format database download
Categories for which the relevant module is not loaded will not
be accessible.
WARNING: These functions, particularly the XML export function,
can cause Services to stop for a significant period of
time while they are processed!
This is commented out by default; make sure you implement proper
access protection (see above) before uncommenting it.
Example: Prefix "/dbaccess"
httpd/debug (Debug page module)
httpd/redirect (Nick/channel redirect module)
NicknamePrefix path [OPTIONAL]
Sets the URL (path) at which nickname redirects will be
accessible; all characters after this prefix, up to the next
slash, will be taken as the nickname. This must begin with a
slash. The default value, "/~", emulates the traditional home
page URL of "http://www.example.net/~username/". If you use a
directory name instead, it must end with a slash, for example:
"/nickname/". See also ChannelPrefix, below.
If not set, nickname redirects will not be done.
Example: NicknamePrefix "/~"
ChannelPrefix path [OPTIONAL]
Sets the URL (path) at which channel redirects will be
accessible; all characters after this prefix, up to the next
slash, will be taken as the channel name (without the leading
"#", which cannot be used in URLs). The path must begin with
a slash. The default value, "/channel/", gives URLs like
"http://services.example.net/channels/channelname/" for channel
If not set, channel redirects will not be done.
Note: If a URL could be interpreted as both a nickname URL and a
channel URL, the nickname will take precedence, even if it
is not registered or does not have a URL associated with it.
Example: ChannelPrefix "/channel/"
httpd/top-page (Top page module)
Filename path [content-type] [OPTIONAL]
Sets the name of a file to be delivered as the server's top page.
If this does not begin with a slash, then it is taken as relative
to the Services data directory. The second parameter specifies
the MIME content type of the file; if not given, it defaults to
Example: Filename "Top Page.txt" text/plain
Example: Filename /var/www/html/ircservices/top-page.html
Sets a URL to be provided as a redirect to a client accessing the
top page. This must be a full URL, beginning with "http://" (or
some other protocol specifier). If both Filename and Redirect
are given, Redirect takes precedence.
Example: Redirect http://www.example.net/ircservices/
Miscellaneous modules
misc/devnull (DevNull settings)
misc/helpserv (HelpServ settings)
This module has no configurable settings.
OnNicknameCollision action [OPTIONAL]
Specifies the action to be taken when a nickname in the data to
import is already registered. The string must be one of either
"skipgroup" (skip over the nickname group containing the nickname
in the imported data), "skipnick" (skip only the colliding
nickname), or "abort" (do not import any data). Note that when
"abort" is selected, the entire XML input is still checked for
errors, but Services will abort before actually merging any data.
If not specified, defaults to "skipgroup".
Example: OnNicknameCollision skipgroup
OnChannelCollision action [OPTIONAL]
Specifies the action to be taken when a channel in the data to
import is already registered. The string must be one of either
"skip" (skip over the channel in the imported data) or "abort"
(do not import any data). Note that when "abort" is selected,
the entire XML input is still checked for errors, but Services
will abort before actually merging any data. If not specified,
defaults to "skip".
Example: OnChannelCollision skip
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