# -*- Mode: Python; tab-width: 4 -*- # Author: Sam Rushing # # python REPL channel. # RCS_ID = '$Id: monitor.py,v 1.13 2002/03/21 15:48:53 htrd Exp $' import md5 import socket import string import sys import time if RCS_ID.startswith('$Id: '): VERSION = string.split(RCS_ID)[2] else: VERSION = '0.0' import asyncore import asynchat from counter import counter import producers class monitor_channel (asynchat.async_chat): try_linemode = 1 def __init__ (self, server, sock, addr): asynchat.async_chat.__init__ (self, sock) self.server = server self.addr = addr self.set_terminator ('\r\n') self.data = '' # local bindings specific to this channel self.local_env = sys.modules['__main__'].__dict__.copy() self.push ('Python ' + sys.version + '\r\n') self.push (sys.copyright+'\r\n') self.push ('Welcome to %s\r\n' % self) self.push ("[Hint: try 'from __main__ import *']\r\n") self.prompt() self.number = server.total_sessions.as_long() self.line_counter = counter() self.multi_line = [] def handle_connect (self): # send IAC DO LINEMODE self.push ('\377\375\"') def close (self): self.server.closed_sessions.increment() asynchat.async_chat.close(self) def prompt (self): self.push ('>>> ') def collect_incoming_data (self, data): self.data = self.data + data if len(self.data) > 1024: # denial of service. self.push ('BCNU\r\n') self.close_when_done() def found_terminator (self): line = self.clean_line (self.data) self.data = '' self.line_counter.increment() # check for special case inputs... if not line and not self.multi_line: self.prompt() return if line in ['\004', 'exit']: self.push ('BCNU\r\n') self.close_when_done() return oldout = sys.stdout olderr = sys.stderr try: p = output_producer(self, olderr) sys.stdout = p sys.stderr = p try: # this is, of course, a blocking operation. # if you wanted to thread this, you would have # to synchronize, etc... and treat the output # like a pipe. Not Fun. # # try eval first. If that fails, try exec. If that fails, # hurl. try: if self.multi_line: # oh, this is horrible... raise SyntaxError co = compile (line, repr(self), 'eval') result = eval (co, self.local_env) method = 'eval' if result is not None: print repr(result) self.local_env['_'] = result except SyntaxError: try: if self.multi_line: if line and line[0] in [' ','\t']: self.multi_line.append (line) self.push ('... ') return else: self.multi_line.append (line) line = string.join (self.multi_line, '\n') co = compile (line, repr(self), 'exec') self.multi_line = [] else: co = compile (line, repr(self), 'exec') except SyntaxError, why: if why[0] == 'unexpected EOF while parsing': self.push ('... ') self.multi_line.append (line) return else: t,v,tb = sys.exc_info() del tb raise t,v exec co in self.local_env method = 'exec' except: method = 'exception' self.multi_line = [] (file, fun, line), t, v, tbinfo = asyncore.compact_traceback() self.log_info('%s %s %s' %(t, v, tbinfo), 'warning') finally: sys.stdout = oldout sys.stderr = olderr self.log_info('%s:%s (%s)> %s' % ( self.number, self.line_counter, method, repr(line)) ) self.push_with_producer (p) self.prompt() # for now, we ignore any telnet option stuff sent to # us, and we process the backspace key ourselves. # gee, it would be fun to write a full-blown line-editing # environment, etc... def clean_line (self, line): chars = [] for ch in line: oc = ord(ch) if oc < 127: if oc in [8,177]: # backspace chars = chars[:-1] else: chars.append (ch) return string.join (chars, '') class monitor_server (asyncore.dispatcher): SERVER_IDENT = 'Monitor Server (V%s)' % VERSION channel_class = monitor_channel def __init__ (self, hostname='', port=8023): self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.create_socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind ((hostname, port)) self.log_info('%s started on port %d' % (self.SERVER_IDENT, port)) self.listen (5) self.closed = 0 self.failed_auths = 0 self.total_sessions = counter() self.closed_sessions = counter() def writable (self): return 0 def handle_accept (self): conn, addr = self.accept() self.log_info('Incoming monitor connection from %s:%d' % addr) self.channel_class (self, conn, addr) self.total_sessions.increment() def status (self): return producers.simple_producer ( '


' % self.SERVER_IDENT + '
Total Sessions: %s' % self.total_sessions + '
Current Sessions: %d' % ( self.total_sessions.as_long()-self.closed_sessions.as_long() ) ) def hex_digest (s): m = md5.md5() m.update (s) return string.joinfields ( map (lambda x: hex (ord (x))[2:], map (None, m.digest())), '', ) class secure_monitor_channel (monitor_channel): authorized = 0 def __init__ (self, server, sock, addr): asynchat.async_chat.__init__ (self, sock) self.server = server self.addr = addr self.set_terminator ('\r\n') self.data = '' # local bindings specific to this channel self.local_env = {} # send timestamp string self.timestamp = str(time.time()) self.count = 0 self.line_counter = counter() self.number = int(server.total_sessions.as_long()) self.multi_line = [] self.push (self.timestamp + '\r\n') def found_terminator (self): if not self.authorized: if hex_digest ('%s%s' % (self.timestamp, self.server.password)) != self.data: self.log_info ('%s: failed authorization' % self, 'warning') self.server.failed_auths = self.server.failed_auths + 1 self.close() else: self.authorized = 1 self.push ('Python ' + sys.version + '\r\n') self.push (sys.copyright+'\r\n') self.push ('Welcome to %s\r\n' % self) self.prompt() self.data = '' else: monitor_channel.found_terminator (self) class secure_encrypted_monitor_channel (secure_monitor_channel): "Wrap send() and recv() with a stream cipher" def __init__ (self, server, conn, addr): key = server.password self.outgoing = server.cipher.new (key) self.incoming = server.cipher.new (key) secure_monitor_channel.__init__ (self, server, conn, addr) def send (self, data): # send the encrypted data instead ed = self.outgoing.encrypt (data) return secure_monitor_channel.send (self, ed) def recv (self, block_size): data = secure_monitor_channel.recv (self, block_size) if data: dd = self.incoming.decrypt (data) return dd else: return data class secure_monitor_server (monitor_server): channel_class = secure_monitor_channel def __init__ (self, password, hostname='', port=8023): monitor_server.__init__ (self, hostname, port) self.password = password def status (self): p = monitor_server.status (self) # kludge p.data = p.data + ('
Failed Authorizations: %d' % self.failed_auths) return p # don't try to print from within any of the methods # of this object. 8^) class output_producer: def __init__ (self, channel, real_stderr): self.channel = channel self.data = '' # use _this_ for debug output self.stderr = real_stderr def check_data (self): if len(self.data) > 1<<16: # runaway output, close it. self.channel.close() def write (self, data): lines = string.splitfields (data, '\n') data = string.join (lines, '\r\n') self.data = self.data + data self.check_data() def writeline (self, line): self.data = self.data + line + '\r\n' self.check_data() def writelines (self, lines): self.data = self.data + string.joinfields ( lines, '\r\n' ) + '\r\n' self.check_data() def ready (self): return (len (self.data) > 0) def flush (self): pass def softspace (self, *args): pass def more (self): if self.data: result = self.data[:512] self.data = self.data[512:] return result else: return '' if __name__ == '__main__': import string import sys if '-s' in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove ('-s') print 'Enter password: ', password = raw_input() else: password = None if '-e' in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove ('-e') encrypt = 1 else: encrypt = 0 if len(sys.argv) > 1: port = string.atoi (sys.argv[1]) else: port = 8023 if password is not None: s = secure_monitor_server (password, '', port) if encrypt: s.channel_class = secure_encrypted_monitor_channel import sapphire s.cipher = sapphire else: s = monitor_server ('', port) asyncore.loop(use_poll=1)