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00001 //
00002 // gaussshell.h
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (C) 1996 Limit Point Systems, Inc.
00005 //
00006 // Author: Curtis Janssen <>
00007 // Maintainer: LPS
00008 //
00009 // This file is part of the SC Toolkit.
00010 //
00011 // The SC Toolkit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00012 // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
00013 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00014 // any later version.
00015 //
00016 // The SC Toolkit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00017 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00019 // GNU Library General Public License for more details.
00020 //
00021 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
00022 // along with the SC Toolkit; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
00023 // the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00024 //
00025 // The U.S. Government is granted a limited license as per AL 91-7.
00026 //
00028 #ifndef _chemistry_qc_basis_gaussshell_h
00029 #define _chemistry_qc_basis_gaussshell_h
00031 #ifdef __GNUC__
00032 #pragma interface
00033 #endif
00035 #include <iostream>
00036 #include <util/state/state.h>
00037 #include <math/scmat/vector3.h>
00038 #include <util/keyval/keyval.h>
00040 namespace sc {
00042 class CartesianIter;
00043 class SphericalTransformIter;
00044 class Integral;
00047 class GaussianShell: public SavableState
00048 {
00049   public:
00050     enum PrimitiveType { Normalized, Unnormalized };
00051     enum GaussianType { Cartesian, Pure };
00052   private:
00053     int nprim;
00054     int ncon;
00055     int* l;
00056     int* puream;
00057     double* exp;
00058     double** coef;  // contraction coefficients for unnormalized primitives
00060     // computed data:
00061     int nfunc;
00062     int min_am_;
00063     int max_am_;
00064     int ncart_;
00065     int has_pure_;
00066     void init_computed_data();
00068     double shell_normalization(int);
00069     void convert_coef();
00070     void normalize_shell();
00071     PrimitiveType keyval_init(const Ref<KeyVal>&,int,int);
00072     static const char* amtypes;
00073     static const char* AMTYPES;
00075     int test_monobound(double &r, double &bound) const;
00076   public:
00094     GaussianShell(
00095                   int ncn,
00096                   int nprm,
00097                   double* e,
00098                   int* am,
00099                   int* pure,
00100                   double** c,
00101                   PrimitiveType pt = GaussianShell::Normalized);
00106     GaussianShell(
00107                   int ncn,
00108                   int nprm,
00109                   double* e,
00110                   int* am,
00111                   GaussianType pure,
00112                   double** c,
00113                   PrimitiveType pt = GaussianShell::Normalized);
00115     GaussianShell(const Ref<KeyVal>&);
00117     GaussianShell(StateIn&);
00121     GaussianShell(const Ref<KeyVal>&,int pure);
00122     ~GaussianShell();
00123     void save_data_state(StateOut&);
00125     int nprimitive() const { return nprim; }
00127     int ncontraction() const { return ncon; }
00129     int nfunction() const { return nfunc; }
00131     int max_angular_momentum() const { return max_am_; }
00133     int min_angular_momentum() const { return min_am_; }
00135     int max_cartesian() const;
00137     int am(int con) const { return l[con]; }
00139     int max_am() const { return max_am_; }
00141     int min_am() const { return min_am_; }
00143     char amchar(int con) const { return amtypes[l[con]]; }
00145     int nfunction(int con) const;
00147     int ncartesian() const { return ncart_; }
00150     int ncartesian_with_aminc(int aminc) const;
00152     int ncartesian(int con) const { return ((l[con]+2)*(l[con]+1))>>1; }
00154     int is_cartesian(int con) const { return !puream[con]; }
00156     int is_pure(int con) const { return puream[con]; }
00158     int has_pure() const { return has_pure_; }
00160     double coefficient_unnorm(int con,int prim) const {return coef[con][prim];}
00162     double coefficient_norm(int con,int prim) const;
00164     double exponent(int iprim) const { return exp[iprim]; }
00168     int values(CartesianIter **, SphericalTransformIter **,
00169                const SCVector3& r, double* basis_values);
00172     int grad_values(CartesianIter **, SphericalTransformIter **,
00173                     const SCVector3& R,
00174                     double* g_values,
00175                     double* basis_values=0) const;
00178     int hessian_values(CartesianIter **, SphericalTransformIter **,
00179                        const SCVector3& R,
00180                        double* h_values, double* g_values=0,
00181                        double* basis_values=0) const;
00186     double relative_overlap(const Ref<Integral>&,
00187                             int con, int func1, int func2) const;
00192     double relative_overlap(int con,
00193                             int a1, int b1, int c1,
00194                             int a2, int b2, int c2) const;
00197     int equiv(const GaussianShell *s);
00201     double extent(double threshold) const;
00206     double monobound(double r) const;
00208     void print(std::ostream& =ExEnv::out0()) const;
00209 };
00211 }
00213 #endif
00215 // Local Variables:
00216 // mode: c++
00217 // c-file-style: "CLJ"
00218 // End:

Generated at Fri Jan 10 08:14:08 2003 for MPQC 2.1.3 using the documentation package Doxygen 1.2.14.