--------------------------------------- -+| mSQL library |+- | version 0.2.4 | | | | DATE Ken | -+| ge6537@i.bekkoame.ne.jp |+- --------------------------------------| mSQL[*1] access library for Ruby[*ruby]. Specify --with-msql-dir for your environment. Maybe --with-msql-dir=/usr/local/Hughes . *$ruby extconf.rb --with-msql-dir= *$make *$su (if need) *#make install *demo/Shakespeare.rb : Create database of Shakespeare's plays. And output Tragedies plays. *doc/en/msql.html : reference (HTML) *doc/en/msql.rd : reference (RD) *exportrd.rb : export RD data from C source file *extconf.rb : Makefile generator *makedoc.rb : reference generator *msql.c : Msql class, MsqlRes class, MsqlField class and MsqlSequence class *readme.en.txt : this *readme.ja.txt : this in Japanese *ruby_msql.h : header file *sample/msqladmin.rb : msqladmin clone *sample/msqldump.rb : msqldump clone *sample/msqlexport.rb : msqlexport clone *sample/msqlm.rb : msql clone *site.h.in : template for site.h *Windows98 + SP1 *Ruby 1.6.1 *Cygwin 1.1.5 *cygwin1.dll-20001111 *Mini SQL Version 2.0.4 *Solaris 2.6 *Ruby 1.6.0 *Mini SQL Version 2.0.11 DATE Ken (as Itacchi) / ge6537@i.bekkoame.ne.jp belong to # Software Enginnering Lab. # # Department of Conputer Science # # Meiji Univ. # # date@cs.meiji.ac.jp # 1 Kara Ruby >>> http://www.isc.meiji.ac.jp/~ee77038/ruby/ (Sorry, written in Japanese only) *2000/12/01 0.2.4a Modify mistake in MsqlResult#each_row_with_index. *2000/11/30 0.2.4 Add MsqlField#to_s, MsqlSequence#to_s. Modify Msql#get_sequence_info that return nil to no sequence (instead of exception rasing). *2000/11/28 0.2.3 Add MsqlResult#each_field_with_index, MsqlResult#each_row_with_index. Add sample program msqlm.rb. *2000/09/29 0.2.2 Rename MsqlRes to MsqlResult. Add MsqlSequence class. Add #get_database, #get_host, #get_sequence_info in Msql. Add Msql::VERSION. Modify option of Msql.connect and Msql#connect. Modify extconf.rb (--with-msql-dir). *2000/09/27 0.2.1 Add #fetch_all_fields, #fetch_all_rows, #fetch_hash in MsqlRes. *2000/09/27 0.2 Support all API without sequence. Demo and samples added. *2000/09/14 0.1 Just started. MySQL Ruby[*3] MySQL & mSQL[*4] *ruby >>> http://www.ruby-lang.org/ *1 The home of Mini SQL >>> http://www.hughes.com.au/ *2 CygUtils >>> http://cygutils.netpedia.net/ *3 MySQL - Ruby Interface >>> http://www.tmtm.org/mysql/ruby/ *4 Randy Jay Yarger, George Reese, Tim King, OIREILLY JAPAN, 2000/04/19, ISBN4-87311-01104