XML Résumé Library News
The XML Résumé Library copyrighted, ©
2000-2002 by Sean Kelly. See the copying conditions, license, and
This document lists user-visible changes to the library.
This document does not list all DTD changes, nor does it give complete
detail on those that it does list. For a full list of changes to the DTD,
please see the Element Reference
in the User Guide.
Release 1.5.1
- Default output format for referees is now 2-column
- Fixed a bug that caused some JVM crashes while processing text output
- Improved internationalization support
- DTD fixed to support validation of XML files that use the "targets" attribute
- Small CSS improvements
- NEW: Online Resume Converter (ORC)
Release 1.5.0
- Added support for targeted résumés. This allows
the user to selectively filter out irrelevant elements and focus
the résumé to a particular purpose. A
demonstration of this feature is included in
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) now default to being embedded
directly into the HTML output, which makes it easier to
email/transfer a résumé. Thanks to Luciano Cardoso
for the suggestion and hint.
- Decreased the default margins to conserve space and trees
(PDF output)
- Referees can now be listed in a 2-column table in the PDF and HTML
output. This behavior is off by default.
- Italian, French, Spanish, and Brazilian translations have been
improved/fixed. (Thanks to Didier Cassirame, Gilles
Sadowski, Luciano Cardoso, and Miguel Coca)
- Localization support for the fax and phone elements has been
improved. The home.word, mobile.word, and work.word params have
been replaced by phone.home.phrase, phone.mobile.phrase, and
phone.work.phrase (same applies to fax) that can support arbitrary
orderings (eg, Mobile Phone in UK, GSM in French, Cellphone in US).
Default translations for some languages may be incomplete, so please
send in translations via SourceForge's Patch Request forms.
(Bugs 624365, 629607)
- Makefile support (in the
examples directory) has been
added for using XMLMind's XFC package or the JFOR package to
produce RTF output. This requires a separate download and is not
strongly supported by the XMLRésumé Project.
(Thanks to James Manning)
- The project element can now have a "title" attribute.
- The "date" element can now be used in place of "period" for
the "membership" and "job" elements, and period can be used in
in place of date in the award and clearance tags
Release 1.4.2
- Fixed a bug that caused unexpected line breaks in text output (bug
- Decreased the default width of text output from 80 to 72 characters.
This allows them to be transmitted in most e-mail programs without
wrapping the very last part of each line.
- Added support for comma-separated formatting of degree subjects. This
is now the default. (Thanks to Mark Miller.)
- Comma-formatted skill lists in text output format are now terminated
with a period (feature request 575845).
- Added a new CSS stylesheet,
compact.css that can be used
to easily open an HTML résumé in Microsoft Word and save
it as a DOC file. (Contributed by Mark Miller.)
Release 1.4.1
- The output stylesheets (
us-html.xsl ,
br-a4.xsl , etc.) are now in the xsl/output
directory. (They were previously in the xsl directory.
- New elements:
<clearance> .
These elements may be used to note security clearances that you may
(Feature request 556633.)
- New elements:
<gpa> ,
<possible> .
You can use these tags to include a GPA in a degree.
(Feature request 560641.)
- New element:
<location> .
This element can be used to indicate the city of a
<job> ,
<degree> ,
<membership> .
(Feature request 505444.)
may now contain an optional
<title> .
may now contain inline elements.
- Added Dutch language support, thanks to Andre van Dijk.
- New CSS stylesheet: resume4.css.
Release 1.4.0
- New elements:
<award> .
You can use these tags to include awards or other honors in a
(Feature request 548619.)
- New elements:
<interest> .
You can use these tags to include your interests or hobbies in a
(Feature request 504269.)
- New elements:
<fax> ,
<pager> ,
(feature requests 485930 and 522200).
- New element:
(feature request 558871).
- New element:
(feature request 460165).
- Deprecated elements:
<skillareas> ,
<skills> ,
<pubDate> .
(as well as the new <fax> element) now has a
location attribute (feature request 448039).
now has a level attribute (feature request 485930).
may now contain multiple
<major> s
(feature request 558871).
may now contain any number of elements, in any order (feature request 448039).
may now contain a
(feature request 548584).
may now optionally contain either a
<date> or a
(feature requests 485930 and 460156).
may now contain an optional
and an optional
(feature request 539028).
- Added Portuguese language support, thanks to Felipe Leme.
- Added German language support, thanks to Jochen Hein (feature request
- References may now be replaced by alternate text in formatted output
with the
referees.display parameter.
- A new CSS stylesheet is included:
- Fixed bug 547663: only the last skill in a list of skills was
formatted when the
skills.format parameter was set to
comma .
- New chapter in the user guide: Converting an XML
Résumé to Other Formats
Release 1.3.3
- User guide now included!
- Namespaces are supported and used within the stylesheets.
- We're now compatible with the XSL-FO standard and FOP version 0.20.3.
- New
<link> element to support hyperlinks to employers.
Release 1.3.2
Bug fix release:
- Fixed bug 509432: formatting of academic degrees exhibited
bizarre punctuation and spacing depending on what combination
of date, institution, subjects, and annotation were present.
It's clean now for all combinations.
- Fixed bug 513515: space for the subject name in an academic
degree is significantly wider now.
Release 1.3.1
This release fixes a minor bug in the catalog file for the DTD.
It also puts descriptions in the HTML output into a
<div> block with the CSS class description,
enabling you to format descriptions of jobs specially.
Release 1.3.0
Additionally, we've fixed some bugs in the XSL files.
Release 1.2.4
Bugs fixed:
- Old style US addresses in HTML were coming out
"City,State". Now there's a space after the comma:
"City, State".
- The
<dayOfMonth> was missing a content
model; it has one now (PCDATA).
<fullDate> wasn't referenced anywhere.
It's gone.
- The plain text stylesheet
contained an invalid template that Xalan allowed but 4Suite
correctly disallowed. That's fixed now.
- The HTML output explicitly sets the character set to
- Bullet lists in the text formatting have been greatly
- No more blank labels for telephone or email when there's no
telephone or email specified.
- The homepage URL now appears in the HTML formatting.
New features:
- Each job in the employment history may now contain a list of
achievements, which become formatted as a bullet-list.
- Achievements and skills now use the same markup model as
plain paragraphs, enabling richer semantics.
- Real en-dashes appear in periods of employment
in the FO rendering.
- Hyphens in the FO rendering separating employer, job title,
and period of employment use bullets now (those hyphens looked
- HTML output now includes Cascading Stylesheet (CSS) "class"
attributes, enabling you to customize the HTML appearance of
your résumé. Two sample stylesheets,
resume1.css and resume2.css are in
the css directory.
Release 1.2.3
- Internationalization support. The DTD and
the stylesheets support formatting international addresses
with a rich set of metadata. See the
example. Older résumés using the US address
schema are still compatible. Note that FOP 0.19.0
does not handle line breaks in addresses correctly yet. Use
XEP from RenderX until
the Apache XML Project can fix this bug!
- Localization support. We've replaced
hard-coded words like "Professional Objective" and
"résumé" as well as paper sizes and margins with
configurable parameters. Driver files set these parameters
and format résumés appropriately. Support for
US English, UK English, and French are included.
- Date of birth. The DTD supports a
<birth> element to record date of birth.
This element is currently not formatted.
Release 1.2.2
This release lets you specify rich content for publications in
addition to free-form paragraphs, including
<artTitle> , <bookTitle> ,
<author> , <pubDate> ,
<publisher> , and
<pageNums> . The stylesheets will format
these elements appropriately.
Release 1.2.1
Release 1.2.0
The news document is new in this release, 1.2.0.