Memory Management Via Regions
8 Memory Management Via Regions
8.1 IntroductionC gives programmers complete control over how memory is managed. An
expert programmer can exploit this to write very fast programs.
However, bugs that creep into memory-management code can cause
crashes and are notoriously hard to debug.
Languages like Java and ML use garbage collectors instead of leaving
memory management in the hands of ordinary programmers. This makes
memory management much safer, since the garbage collector is written
by experts, and it is used, and, therefore, debugged, by every
program. However, removing memory management from the control of the
applications programmer can make for slower programs.
Safety is the main goal of Cyclone, so we provide a garbage collector.
But, like C, we also want to give programmers as much control over
memory management as possible, without sacrificing safety. Cyclone's
region system is a way to give programmers more explicit control over
memory management.
In Cyclone, objects are placed into regions. A region is
simply an area of memory that is allocated and deallocated all at
once. So to deallocate an object, you deallocate its region, and
when you deallocate a region, you deallocate all of the objects in the
region. Regions are sometimes called ``arenas'' or ``zones.''
Cyclone has three sorts of region:
Stack regions
- As in C, local variables are allocated on the
runtime stack; the stack grows when a block is entered, and it
shrinks when the block exits. We call the area on the stack
allocated for the local variables of a block the stack region
of the block. A stack region has a fixed size---it is just large
enough to hold the locals of the block, and no more objects can be
placed into it. The region is deallocated when the block containing
the declarations of the local variables finishes executing. With
respect to regions, the parameters of a function are considered
locals---when a function is called, its actual parameters are placed
in the same stack region as the variables declared at the start of
the function.
- Dynamic regions
- Cyclone also has dynamic regions,
which are regions that you can add objects to over time. You create
a dynamic region in Cyclone with a statement,
region identifier statement
This declares and allocates a new dynamic region, named
identifier, and executes statement. After
statement finishes executing, the region is deallocated.
Within statement, objects can be added to the region, as we
will explain below.
Typically, statement is a compound statement:
region identifier {
- The heap
- Cyclone has a special region called the heap.
There is only one heap, and it is never deallocated. New objects
can be added to the heap at any time (the heap can grow). Cyclone
uses a garbage collector to automatically remove objects from the
heap when they are no longer needed. You can think of garbage
collection as an optimization that tries to keep the size of the
heap small.
Objects outside of the heap live until their region is deallocated;
there is no way to free such an object earlier. Objects in the heap
can be garbage collected once they are unreachable (i.e., they cannot
be reached by traversing pointers) from the program's variables.
Objects in live non-heap regions always appear reachable to the
garbage collector (so everything reachable from them appears reachable
as well).
Cyclone forbids following dangling pointers. This restriction is part
of the type system: it's a compile-time error if a dangling pointer (a
pointer into a deallocated region) might be followed. There are no
run-time checks of the form, ``is this pointing into a live region?''
As explained below, each pointer type has a region and objects of the
type may only point into that region.
8.2 Allocation
You can create a new object on the heap using one of three kinds of
new expr evaluates expr, places the
result into the heap, and returns a pointer to the result. It is
roughly equivalent to
t @ temp = malloc(sizeof(t)); // where t is the type of expr
*temp = expr;
For example, new 17 allocates space for an integer on the
heap, initializes it to 17, and returns a pointer to the space. For
another example, if we have declared
struct Pair { int x; int y; };
then new Pair(7,9) allocates space for two integers on the
heap, initializes the first to 7 and the second to 9, and returns a
pointer to the first.
- new array-initializer allocates space for an
array, initializes it according to array-initializer, and
returns a pointer to the first element. For example,
let x = new { 3, 4, 5 };
declares a new array containing 3, 4, and 5, and initializes
x to point to the first element. More interestingly,
new { for identifier < expr1 : expr2 }
is roughly equivalent to
unsigned int sz = expr1;
t @ temp = malloc(sz * sizeof(t2)); // where t is the type of expr
for (int identifier = 0; identifier < sz; identifier++)
temp[ identifier] = expr2;
That is,
is evaluated first to get the size of the new array,
the array is allocated, and each element of the array is
initialized by the result of evaluating
expr2 may use identifier, which
holds the index of the element currently being initialized.
For example, this function returns an array containing the first
n positive even numbers:
int ? n_evens(int n) {
return new {for next < n : 2*(next+1)};
Note that:
expr1 is evaluated exactly once, while expr2 is evaluated expr1 times.
- expr1 might evaluate to 0.
- expr1 might evaluate to a negative number.
If so, it is implicitly converted to a very large unsigned
integer; the allocation is likely to fail due to insufficient
memory. Currently, this will cause a crash!!
- Currently, for array initializers are the only way to
create an object whose size depends on run-time data.
- malloc(sizeof(type)). This is the only use of
malloc allowed in Cyclone; to enforce this, we have made
malloc a keyword. This is much more restricted
than in C, where malloc is just an identifier bound to a
library function consuming an int and returning a
char *.
In Cyclone, you cannot even write malloc(8) if
sizeof(type) is 8! So, malloc can't be used
to create an array whose size depends on run-time data.
On the plus side, the type of malloc(sizeof(type)) is
type @ (a subtype of type *),
so there is no need to cast the result from char *.
Objects can be created in a dynamic region using the following analogous
rnew(identifier) expr
- rnew(identifier) array-initializer
- rmalloc(identifier,sizeof(type))
rnew and rmalloc are keywords.
The Cyclone library has a global variable Core::heap_region
which contains a handle for the heap region, so, for example,
new expr is just rnew(heap_region,expr).
The only way to create an object in a stack region is declaring it as
a local variable. Cyclone does not currently support salloc;
use a dynamic region instead.
8.3 Common UsesAlthough the type system associated with regions is complicated, there
are some simple common idioms. If you understand these idioms, you
should be able to easily write programs using regions, and port many
legacy C programs to Cyclone.
Remember that every pointer points into a region, and although the
pointer can be updated, it must always point into that same region (or
a region known to outlive that region). The region that the pointer
points to is indicated in its type, but omitted regions are filled in
by the compiler according to context.
When regions are omitted from pointer types in function bodies, the
compiler tries to infer the region. However, it can sometimes be too
``eager'' and end up rejecting code. For example, in
void f1(int x) {
int @ y = new 42;
y = &x;
the compiler uses y's initializer to decide that y's type is
int @ `H. Hence the assignment is illegal, the parameter's
region (called `f1) does not outlive the heap. On the other
hand, this function type-checks:
void f2(int x) {
int @ y = &x;
y = new 42;
because y's types is inferred to be int @ `f2 and the
assignment makes y point into a region that outlives `f2. We
can fix our first function by being more explicit:
void f1(int x) {
int @`f1 y = new 42;
y = &x;
Function bodies are the only places where the compiler tries to infer
the region by how a pointer is used. In function prototypes, type
declarations, and top-level global declarations, the rules for the
meaning of omitted region annotations are fixed. This is necessary
for separate compilation: we often have no information other than the
prototype or declaration.
In the absence of region annotations, function-parameter pointers are
assumed to point into any possible region. Hence, given
void f(int * x, int * y);
we could call f with two stack pointers, a dynamic-region pointer and
a heap-pointer, etc. Hence this type is the ``most useful'' type from
the caller's perspective. But the callee's body (f) may not
type-check with this type. For example, x cannot be assigned to a
heap pointer because we do not know that x points into the heap. If
this is necessary, we must give x the type int *`H. Other
times, we may not care what region x and y are in so long as they are
the same region. Again, our prototype for f does not indicate
this, but we could rewrite it as
void f(int *`r x, int *`r y);
Finally, we may need to refer to the region for x or y in the function
body. If we omit the names (relying on the compiler to make up
names), then we obviously won't be able to do so.
Formally, omitted regions in function parameters are filled in by
fresh region names and the function is ``region polymorphic'' over
these names (as well as all explicit regions).
In the absence of region annotations, function-return pointers are
assumed to point into the heap. Hence the following function will not
int * f(int * x) { return x; }
Both of these functions will type-check; the second one is more
int * f(int *`H x) { return x; }
int *`r f(int *`r x) {return x; }
In type declarations (including typedef for now) and
top-level variables, omitted region annotations are assumed to point
into the heap. In the future, the meaning of typedef may
depend on where the typedef is used. In the meantime, this
code will type-check because it is equivalent to the first function in
the previous example:
typedef int * foo_t;
foo_t f(foo_t x) { return x; }
If you want to write a function that creates new objects in a region
determined by the caller, your function should take a region handle as
one of its arguments. The type of a handle is region_t<`r>,
where `r is the region information associated with pointers
into the region. For example, this function allocates a pair of
integers into the region whose handle is r:
$(int,int)@`r f(region_t<`r> r, int x, int y) {
return rnew(r) $(x,y);
Notice that we used the same `r for the handle and the return
type. We could have also passed the object back through a pointer
parameter like this:
void f2(region_t<`r> r,int x,int y,$(int,int)*`r *`s p){
*p = rnew(r) $(7,9);
Notice that we have been careful to indicate that the region where
*p lives (corresponding to `s) may be different from
the region for which r is the handle (corresponding to
`r). Here's how to use f2:
region rgn {
$(int,int) *`rgn x = NULL;
The `s and `rgn in our example are unnecessary
because they would be inferred.
typedef, struct, tunion, and
xtunion declarations can all be parameterized by regions,
just as they can be parameterized by types. For example, here is part
of the list library. Note that the ``::R'' is necessary.
struct List<`a,`r::R>{`a hd; struct List<`a,`r> *`r tl;};
typedef struct List<`a,`r> *`r list_t<`a,`r>;
// return a fresh copy of the list in r2
list_t<`a,`r2> rcopy(region_t<`r2> r2, list_t<`a> x) {
list_t result, prev;
if (x == NULL) return NULL;
result = rnew(r2) List{.hd=x->hd,.tl=NULL};
prev = result;
for (x=x->tl; x != NULL; x=x->tl) {
prev->tl = rnew(r2) List(x->hd,NULL);
prev = prev->tl;
return result;
list_t<`a> copy(list_t<`a> x) {
return rcopy(heap_region, x);
// Return the length of a list.
int length(list_t x) {
int i = 0;
while (x != NULL) {
x = x->tl;
return i;
The type list_t<type,rgn> describes
pointers to lists whose elements have type type and whose
``spines'' are in rgn.
The functions are interesting for what they don't say.
Specifically, when types and regions are omitted from a type
instantiation, the compiler uses rules similar to those used for
omitted regions on pointer types. More explicit versions of the
functions would look like this:
list_t<`a,`r2> rcopy(region_t<`r2> r2, list_t<`a,`r1> x) {
list_t<`a,`r2> result, prev;
list_t<`a,`H> copy(list_t<`a,`r> x) { ... }
int length(list_t<`a,`r> x) { ... }
8.4 Type-Checking RegionsBecause of recursive functions, there can be any number of live
regions at run time. The compiler the following general strategy to
ensure that only pointers into live regions are dereferenced:
Use compile-time region names. Syntactically these are
just type variables, but they are used differently.
- Decorate each pointer type and handle type with one region name.
- Decorate each program point with a (finite) set of region names.
We call the set the point's capability.
- To dereference a pointer (via *, ->, or
subscript), the pointer's type's region name must be in the program
point's capability. Similarly, to use a handle for allocation, the
handle type's region name must be in the capability.
- Enforce a type system such that the following is impossible: A
program point P's capability contains a region name `r that
decorates a pointer (or handle) expression expr that, at
run time, points into a region that has been deallocated and the
operation at P dereferences expr.
This strategy is probably too vague to make sense at this point, but
it may help to refer back to it as we explain specific aspects of the
type system.
Note that in the rest of the documentation (and in common parlance) we
abuse the word ``region'' to refer both to region names and to
run-time collections of objects. Similarly, we confuse a block of
declarations, its region-name, and the run-time space allocated for
the block. (With loops and recursive functions, ``the space
allocated'' for the block is really any number of distinct regions.)
But in the rest of this section, we painstakingly distinguish
region names, regions, etc.
8.4.1 Region NamesGiven a function, we associate a distinct region name with each
program point that creates a region, as follows:
If a block (blocks create stack regions) has label L,
then the region-name for the block is `L.
- If a block has no label, the compiler makes up a unique
region-name for the block.
- In region r <`foo> s, the region-name for the construct
is `foo.
- In region r s, the region-name for the construct is
The region name for the heap is `H. Region names associated
with program points within a function should be distinct from each
other, distinct from any region names appearing in the function's
prototype, and should not be `H. (So you cannot use
H as a label name.) Because the function's return type
cannot mention a region name for a block or region-construct in the
function, it is impossible to return a pointer to deallocated storage.
In region r <`r> s and region r s, the type of
r is region_t<`r>. In other words, the handle is
decorated with the region name for the construct. Pointer types'
region names are explicit, although you generally rely on inference to
put in the correct one for you.
8.4.2 CapabilitiesIn the absence of explicit effects (see below), the capability for a
program point includes exactly:
- The effect corresponding to the function's prototype. Briefly,
any region name in the prototype (or inserted by the compiler due to
an omission) is in the corresponding effect. Furthermore, for each
type variable `a that appears (or is inserted),
``regions(`a)'' is in the corresponding effect. This latter
effect roughly means, ``I don't know what `a is, but if you
instantiate with a type mentioning some regions, then add those
regions to the effect of the instantiated prototype.'' This is
necessary for safely type-checking calls that include function pointers.
- The region names for the blocks and ``region r s''
statements that contain the program point
For each dereference or allocation operation, we simply check that the
region name for the type of the object is in the capability. It takes
extremely trickly code (such as existential region names) to make the
check fail.
8.4.3 Assignment and OutlivesA pointer type's region name is part of the type. If e1 and
e2 are pointers, then e1 = e2 is well-typed only if
the region name for e2's type ``outlives'' the region name
for e1's type. By outlives, we intuitively mean the region
corresponding to one region name will be deallocated after the region
corresponding to the other region name. The rules for outlives are as
For handlers, if `r is a region name, there is at most one
value of type region_t<`r> (there are 0 if `r is a
block's name), so there is little use in creating variables of type
8.4.4 Type DeclarationsA struct, typedef, tunion, or xtunion
declaration may be parameterized by any number of region names. The
region names are placed in the list of type parameters. They must be
followed by ``::R'', except for typedef declarations
(where the region name appears in the underlying type).
For example, given
struct List<`a,`r::R>{`a hd; struct List<`a,`r> *`r tl;};
the type struct List<int,`H> is for a list of ints in the heap.
Notice that all of the ``cons cells'' of the List will be in
the same region (the type of the tl field uses the same
region name `r that is used to instantiate the recursive
instance of struct List<`a,`r>). However, we could instantiate
`a with a pointer type that has a different region name.
tunion and xtunion declarations must also be
instantiated with an additional region name. If an object of type
tunion `r Foo turns out to be a value-carrying variant, then
the object is treated (capability-wise) as a pointer with region name
`r. If the region name is omitted from a use of a
tunion declaration, it is implicitly `H.
8.4.5 Function CallsIf a function parameter or result has type int *`r or
region_t<`r>, the function is polymorphic over the region name
`r. That is, the caller can instantiate `r with any
region in the caller's current capability. This instantiation
is usually implicit, so the caller just calls the function and the
compiler uses the types of the actual arguments to infer the
instantiation of the region names (just like it infers the
instantiation of type variables).
The callee is checked knowing nothing about `r except that it
is in its capability (plus whatever can be determined from explicit
outlives assumptions). For example, it will be impossible to assign a
parameter of type int*`r to a global variable. Why? Because
the global would have to have a type that allowed it to point into any
region. There is no such type because we could never safely follow
such a pointer (since it could point into a deallocated region).
8.4.6 Explicit and Default EffectsIf you are not using existential types, you now know everything you
need to know about Cyclone regions and memory management. Even if you
are using these types and functions over them (such as the closure
library in the Cyclone library), you probably don't need to know more
than ``ignore those funny type variables of kind E''.
The problem with existential types is that when you ``unpack'' the
type, you no longer know that the regions into which the fields point
are allocated. We are sound because the corresponding region names
are not in the capability, but this makes the fields unusable. To
make them usable, we do not hide the capability needed to use them.
Instead, we use an effect variable that is not existentially
bound. An effect variable stands for a capability, that is, a set of
region names.
If the contents of existential packages contain only heap pointers,
this effect variable is unnecessary; it can just be the ``empty
We will provide more documentation for existential packages that
contain region pointers in the near future.