
class OSGGA_EXPORT osgGA::KeySwitchCameraManipulator

KeySwitchCameraManipulator is a decorator which allows the type of camera manipulator being used to be switched by pressing a key.


Public Methods

[more]void addCameraManipulator(int key, std::string name, CameraManipulator* cm)
Add a camera manipulator with an associated name, and a key to trigger the switch,
[more]void addNumberedCameraManipulator(CameraManipulator* cm)
Add a camera manipulator with an autogenerated keybinding which is '1' + previous number of camera's registerd
[more]unsigned int getNumCameraManipualtors() const
[more]void selectCameraManipulator(unsigned int num)
[more]CameraManipulator* getCurrentCameraManipulator()
[more]const CameraManipulator* getCurrentCameraManipulator() const
[more]virtual void setCamera(osg::Camera* c)
[more]virtual const osg::Camera* getCamera() const
[more]virtual osg::Camera* getCamera()
[more]virtual void setNode(osg::Node* n)
[more]virtual const osg::Node* getNode() const
[more]virtual osg::Node* getNode()
[more]virtual void home(const GUIEventAdapter& ee, GUIActionAdapter& aa)
[more]virtual void init(const GUIEventAdapter& ee, GUIActionAdapter& aa)
[more]virtual bool handle(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)

Inherited from CameraManipulator:

Public Methods

ovirtual void accept(GUIEventHandlerVisitor& v)

Protected Fields

oosg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> _camera

Inherited from GUIEventHandler:

Public Methods

ovirtual const CompositeGUIEventHandler* getComposite() const
ovirtual CompositeGUIEventHandler* getComposite()


KeySwitchCameraManipulator is a decorator which allows the type of camera manipulator being used to be switched by pressing a key. E.g. '1' for a TrackballManipultor, '2' for a DriveManipulator, '3' for a FlightManipulator. The manipulators available, and the associated switch keys, can be configured.
ovoid addCameraManipulator(int key, std::string name, CameraManipulator* cm)
Add a camera manipulator with an associated name, and a key to trigger the switch,

ovoid addNumberedCameraManipulator(CameraManipulator* cm)
Add a camera manipulator with an autogenerated keybinding which is '1' + previous number of camera's registerd

ounsigned int getNumCameraManipualtors() const

ovoid selectCameraManipulator(unsigned int num)

oCameraManipulator* getCurrentCameraManipulator()

oconst CameraManipulator* getCurrentCameraManipulator() const

ovirtual void setCamera(osg::Camera* c)

ovirtual const osg::Camera* getCamera() const

ovirtual osg::Camera* getCamera()

ovirtual void setNode(osg::Node* n)

ovirtual const osg::Node* getNode() const

ovirtual osg::Node* getNode()

ovirtual void home(const GUIEventAdapter& ee, GUIActionAdapter& aa)

ovirtual void init(const GUIEventAdapter& ee, GUIActionAdapter& aa)

ovirtual bool handle(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)

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