
class OSGSIM_EXPORT osgSim::AzimSector


Public Methods

[more] AzimSector()
[more] AzimSector(float minAzimuth, float maxAzimuth, float fadeAngle=0.0f)
[more]virtual float operator() (const osg::Vec3& eyeLocal) const

Protected Methods

[more]virtual ~AzimSector()

Inherited from Sector:

Inherited from AzimRange:

Public Methods

ovoid setAzimuthRange(float minAzimuth, float maxAzimuth, float fadeAngle=0.0f)
oinline float azimSector(const osg::Vec3& eyeLocal) const

Protected Fields

ofloat _cosAzim
ofloat _sinAzim
ofloat _cosAngle
ofloat _cosFadeAngle


o AzimSector()

o AzimSector(float minAzimuth, float maxAzimuth, float fadeAngle=0.0f)

ovirtual float operator() (const osg::Vec3& eyeLocal) const

ovirtual ~AzimSector()

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