
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<eg> (example (exempli gratia)) (in a dictionary) contains an example text containing at least one occurrence of the word form, used in the sense being described; examples may be quoted from (named) authors or contrived.
Attributes Global attributes and those inherited from dictionaries, dictionaryParts, dictionaryTopLevel


In some dictionaries the quoted example may be followed by a bibliographic citation for the source; this citation may be tagged with the tags described in section 6.10 Bibliographic Citations and References. The quotation and the indication of its source should be enclosed in a <cit> element.

Module Declared in file teidict2; Base tag set for dictionaries: enabled by TEI.dictionary
Class dictionaryTopLevel; dictionaryParts; dictionaries
Data Description May contain a quotation, pronunciation, definition, or translation information.
May contain case cit colloc def eg etym form gen gramGrp hom hyph itype lbl mood number oRef oVar orth pRef pVar per pos pron q quote re sense stress subc superEntry syll tns tr trans usg xr
May occur within dictScrap eg entry entryFree etym hom re sense trans
<!ELEMENT eg %om.RO;  ( q | quote | cit | %m.dictionaryParts;
                       | %m.formPointers; )+ > 
See further Examples

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