(level-2 text division)
contains a second-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a
Global attributes
and those inherited from declaring, divn
<div1 n="2" type="part">
<head>The Second Partition:
The Cure of Melancholy</head>
<div2 n="2.1" type="section">
<div3 n="2.1.1" type="member">
<div4 n="" type="subsection">
<head>Unlawful Cures rejected.</head>
<p>Inveterate melancholy, howsoever it may seem to
be a continuate, inexorable disease, hard to be
cured, accompanying them to their graves most part
(as <ref target="a">Montanus</ref> observes), yet many
times it may be helped...
<!-- ... -->
<div2 n="2.2" type="section">
<div3 n="2.2.1" type="member">
<head>Sect. II. Memb. I</head>
<p><!-- ... -->
<div2 n="2.3" type="section">
<div3 n="2.3.1" type="member">
<head>Sect. III. Memb. I</head>
<p><!-- ... -->
Declared in file teistr2; Core tag sets: enabled when any TEI base is enabled