<docDate> |
(document date)
contains the date of a document, as given
(usually) on a title page. |
Attributes |
(In addition to global attributes
and those inherited from divtop, fmchunk, tpParts)
value |
gives the value of the date in a standard form. |
Datatype: %ISO-date; |
Values: a date in ISO standard form, generally ISO 8601:2000 Complete representation, extended format (yyyy-mm-dd). If the date in the source was not in the Gregorian calendar it should be converted to Gregorian or proleptic Gregorian here; alternatively, the fact that it was not converted should be documented in the <stdVals> element in the TEI header. |
Default: #IMPLIED |
Example: <docDate value="1548-04-07">The.xxviii.day of <name>Marche</name>
<lb/>the yere of our lorde.
Note |
For simple dates, the value should give the Gregorian or proleptic Gregorian date
in the form (yyyy-mm-dd) specified by ISO 8601. More complicated dates
or special applications may require another calendar or another form;
these should be documented in the <stdVals> element in the TEI
Example |
<docImprint>Oxford, Clarendon Press, <docDate>1987</docDate>
Note |
Cf. the general <date> element in the core tag set.
This specialized element is provided for convenience in marking and
processing the date of the documents, since it is likely to require
specialized handling for many applications.
Module |
Declared in file teifron2; Core tag sets: enabled when any TEI base is enabled |
Class |
tpParts; divtop; fmchunk
May contain |
#PCDATA abbr add addSpan address alt altGrp anchor app c caesura cb certainty cl corr damage date dateRange dateStruct del delSpan distinct emph expan fLib foreign formula fs fsLib fvLib fw gap geogName gloss handShift hi index interp interpGrp join joinGrp lang lb link linkGrp m measure mentioned milestone name num oRef oVar orgName orig pRef pVar pb persName phr placeName ptr ref reg respons restore rs s seg sic soCalled space span spanGrp supplied term time timeRange timeStruct timeline title unclear w xptr xref |
May occur within |
back body castList div div0 div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 docImprint epilogue front group lg performance prologue titlePage |
Declaration |
<!ELEMENT docDate %om.RO; %phrase.seq;>
<!ATTLIST docDate
value %ISO-date; #IMPLIED>
See further |
7.5 Title Pages |