
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


fragmentary groups elements which mark the beginning or ending of a fragmentary manuscript or other witness.
Member of classes (none)  
Members lacunaEnd lacunaStart witEnd witStart

<!ENTITY % x.fragmentary "" >
<!ENTITY % m.fragmentary "%x.fragmentary; %n.lacunaEnd; | 
%n.lacunaStart; | %n.witEnd; | %n.witStart;">  
Attributes (In addition to global attributes)
wit (witnesses) contains a list of one or more sigla indicating the witnesses which begin or end at this point.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: A space-delimited series of sigla; each sigil should correspond to a witness or witness group and occur as the value of the sigil attribute on a <witness> element elsewhere in the document.
Default: #IMPLIED
<rdg wit="M N">Exper<witStart wit="M"/>ience</rdg>

These elements may appear anywhere within the elements <lem> and <rdg>, and also within any of their constituent elements.

Module Declared in file teitc2.ent; Declared in file teitc2.ent; Additional tag set for Textual Criticism: enabled by TEI.textcrit
See further 19.1.5 Fragmentary Witnesses

Up: 33 Element Classes