Note |
For the parser, this entity has the same effect as
specifying a default value as IMPLIED. For the
user and the application program, however, INHERITED has a different effect, specifying as it does
exactly how the application program is to infer the correct default
value: the value is to be inherited from the attribute of the same
name on the immediately enclosing element. If that element, too,
specifies no value, then its value will have been inherited from its
own immediately enclosing element, etc. (If the attribute is not
declared for all elements, the value is inherited from the nearest
ancestor for which the attribute is declared.)
If no ancestor
element has a value specified for the attribute, the value is
undefined. Encoders are encouraged to provide an explicit value for
inherited attributes on the outermost elements for which they are
declared; it is, however, not an error for the outermost element to
specify no attribute value for an attribute with a default of %INHERITED;.
The most prominent example of attribute value inheritance is the TEI
global attribute lang.