<ofig> |
(other-form information group)
within a <tig> element, contains information
elements relating to a single <otherForm>. |
Attributes |
(In addition to global attributes)
type |
classifies the other-form information group according to some
convenient typology, preferably the dictionary of data element types
specified in ISO WD 12 620. |
Datatype: CDATA |
Values: any string identifying a class of <ofig>
Default: #IMPLIED |
Note |
A much fuller list of values for the type
attribute may be generated from the dictionary of data element types
under preparation as ISO TC 37/SC 3/WD 12 620, Computational Aids in
Terminology. See ISO 12 620 for fuller details.
Example |
Module |
Declared in file teite2n; Base tag sets for Terminological Data: enabled by TEI.terminology
Data Description |
May contain an <otherForm> element and any data
elements relating to the <otherForm> or to one of its related
elements. |
May contain |
addSpan admin alt altGrp anchor cb certainty delSpan descrip fLib fs fsLib fvLib gap gram index interp interpGrp join joinGrp lb link linkGrp milestone otherForm pb respons span spanGrp timeline |
May occur within |
tig |
Declaration |
<!ELEMENT ofig %om.RO;
((%m.terminologyMisc; | %m.Incl;)*, (otherForm, (gram | %m.Incl;)*),
((%m.terminologyMisc;), (%m.Incl;)*)*)>
<!ATTLIST ofig
See further |
13.4.1 DTD Fragment for Nested Style; 13.2 Tags for Terminological Data