
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<prologue> contains the prologue to a drama, typically spoken by an actor out of character, possibly in association with a particular performance or venue.
Attributes Global attributes and those inherited from dramafront
      <l>Wits, like physicians never can agree,</l>
      <l>When of a different society.</l>
      <!-- ... -->
      <l>New plays are stuffed with wits, and with deboches,</l>
      <l>That crowd and sweat like cits in May-Day coaches.</l>
   <trailer>Written by a person of quality</trailer>
Module Declared in file teidram2; Base tag set for performance texts: enabled by TEI.drama
Class dramafront
May contain ab addSpan alt altGrp anchor argument bibl biblFull biblStruct byline camera caption castList cb certainty cit closer dateline delSpan docAuthor docDate eTree entry entryFree epigraph event fLib fs fsLib fvLib gap graph head index interp interpGrp join joinGrp kinesic l label lb lg lg1 lg2 lg3 lg4 lg5 link linkGrp list listBibl milestone move note opener p pause pb q quote respons salute shift signed sound sp span spanGrp stage superEntry tech termEntry timeline trailer tree u view vocal witDetail witList writing
May occur within back front
<!ELEMENT prologue %om.RR; ((%m.divtop; | %m.Incl;)*,
  ((%component;), (%m.Incl;)*)+, ((%m.divbot;), (%m.Incl;)*)*)> 
<!ATTLIST prologue;>
See further 10.1.2 Prologues and Epilogues; 10.1 Front and Back Matter

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