<respStmt> |
(statement of responsibility)
supplies a statement of responsibility for someone responsible for
the intellectual content of a text, edition, recording, or series, where
the specialized elements for authors, editors, etc. do
not suffice or do not apply. |
Attributes |
Global attributes
and those inherited from biblPart
Example |
<resp>transcribed from original ms</resp>
<name>Claus Huitfeldt</name>
Example |
<resp>converted to SGML encoding</resp>
<name>Alan Morrison</name>
Module |
Declared in file teicore2; Core tag sets: enabled when any TEI base is enabled |
Class |
May contain |
addSpan alt altGrp anchor cb certainty delSpan fLib fs fsLib fvLib gap index interp interpGrp join joinGrp lb link linkGrp milestone name pb resp respons span spanGrp timeline |
May occur within |
analytic bibl change editionStmt monogr recording series seriesStmt titleStmt |
Declaration |
<!ELEMENT respStmt %om.RO; (resp | name | %m.Incl;)+ >
<!ATTLIST respStmt
See further | Authors, Titles, and Editors; 5.2.1 The Title Statement; 5.2.2 The Edition Statement; 5.2.5 The Series Statement